Why is it every person I see in a pharmacy down here, at least those that are my age, seems to have a stick shoved so far up their ass it's branches are poking out their nose?
No one says hi, few smile, yet they imagine to project an aura of superiority. It's impressive in almost a sad way.
Am I that unusual in that I have a sense of humor and actually find joy in something other than being serious? Yes, sometimes shit sucks, but suck it up and carry on. I pray to Buddha that my classmates are not like that.
I'm fun, and damnit I won't have people rain on my parade.
Perhaps it has something to do with this area in general because I don't remember this many pharmacy folk being unapproachable in any of my other travels. Maybe there is a Paxil-deficiency in this region of the country.
Or maybe they just need some Fuckitol.
Followed by a Stick Assectomy.
Yep, that's it....
Fuckitol will come to be your drug of choice over the next few years. Just kidding, I'm sure you're going to do great.
When do you start?
Ohhh in about ten hours or so
I agree with your assessment of the pharmacy students and those who have just finished. Not much humor in some of those folks.
I agree with your assessment of pharmacy students. There are a lot out there that do not understand it's OK to have fun and enjoy while learning.
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