Thursday, December 27, 2007
I was scammed by a deaf person
When deaf people call somewhere they use what is called a relay system. Basically they type what they want to say to an intermediary and they repeat it back to you. System works in the reverse way of course. Its not terribly common, but common enough that everyone knows how to handle them.
This was going to be a new customer inquiring about test strips. He wanted to know what the cost would be and what he would have to do to purchase them. He then stated perhaps it would be easier to send a fax of exactly what he was looking for. I said peachy and that was that. An hour later a fax showed up saying he was looking for some Accu-Chek Advantage strips and a new meter.
He then called back and asked if I had received it and I stated I did and gave him the prices. Then he said he'd fax over all of his information and his credit card number (which I assumed was reasonable since there was a 3rd party involved) and that was that.
Few minutes later, the fax appeared. With an order for 30 cases of each of the aforementioned items. 30 cases. I looked at the bottom and it gave a credit card number.... with a note saying that if it is declined to set up a charge account and send him the bill.
Obviously this was a scam. I was duped by a fucking deaf person. A goddamn deaf person. What a kick in the nuts that is. Needless to say everyone was laughing at me. I tried to make things better by saying he's probably not deaf, but that didn't help the matter.
So I sit here, proclaiming to the world, yes I was almost scammed by a deaf person. Whoopdy do.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Christmas Story
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even this mouse.
For I bit off its head, and shaved off its hair,
Stuck it in Timmy’s stocking, hung from the chimney with care.
The children asleep, waiting for Santa to come,
While visions of sugar…wait…what the fuck is a sugar plum?
Grandma in her ‘kerchief, Grandpa in his cap,
Had just settled down, for a long winter’s nap.
To say “just settled in” is a bit of a mistake,
Twelve years in those chairs, they won’t soon awake.
I think they’re fun, you can move them about,
I had just put Grandpa’s cold fist in his mouth.
When out in the yard, there arose such a clatter,
I looked onto the lawn to see only bone and grey matter,
The moon lit the moisture on the new-scattered flesh,
The blood yet to freeze, you could tell it was fresh.
Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But eight stupid little dogs … err … tiny reindeer,
Strapped to a driverless sleigh were these fawn,
And I knew Santa’s remains were all over my lawn.
He always was a bit jolly, a little bit high,
And what’s Christmas Eve without a DWI?
I took a seat in the sleigh, between seven large bags,
Peered over the front, and read off the dogs’ tags:
“Now, Dasher! Now Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!”
What lonely sicko names their stupid dog Vixen?
“On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!”
Your master is mangled, and surely we’ll miss him.
But Christmas goes on, with me at the reigns,
Sure beats hanging out here and cleaning up brains,
But the reindeer won’t budge, kinda makes you wonder,
If they know that I was in The goddam Deer Hunter.
“C’mon silly dogs! I know you recall,
how to dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”
That got them started, and to the house-tops they flew,
With a sleigh full of toys, and the Angel of Death too.
So to all you naughty kids, don’t ever fear,
I’m running the show, and this might be your year,
You might hear me cackle, as I swoop down like a hawk and
Howl “Merry Chris-mas to all, from your pal Santa Walken!”
Note to the little ones: Do not worry about your fat friend. There are 17 confirmed immortals in the world. I am one of them. Santa is another. He will be back next year. Hopefully he’ll lay off the sauce.
Monday, December 17, 2007
God bless Mountain Dew
Alas it is finals week and I'm workin through my first 12 pack of the week. Been studyin for.... going on 14 hours so far. I have an Organic Chem and Business Law final back to back in the morning. Tack on the fact I've been slackin on my chem studying and I don't really get these reactions... and instead I'm watching SportsCenter. Gotta love college
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I. Hate. Christmas Music.
If Santa were to walk through the door right now, I'd shove a hot curling iron up his ass. If Rudolph strolled in, I'd shoot his ass and throw him my fryin pan for dinner. If the Little Drummer-Boy walked in... well I'd drum on his goddamn head.
Part of it is the music is so damned happy. Fuck that, I don't want to hear happy shit at work. When you're pissed the last thing you wanna hear is someone saying "Ya know is SUCH a beautiful day outside." At that point you contemplate kicking them straight in the balls or ovaries (or both if possible). So as I sit on hold for someone who is bitching at me because they didn't file their insurance paperwork on time I hear "I Wish You a Merry Fucking Christmas" over the store radio and I hear the same shit on the other side of the phone.
And what the fuck is with worshipping a fat old man who gets to have random kids come and sit on his lap? Eleven months out of the year that is called a pedophile. But nooooooooo during the X-mas season its ok if some creepy old man slides down your chimney, eats all your damn cookies and fondles your little boy while he sleeps. While we're at it maybe we should glorify a rapist during Easter or maybe drug addicts during Thanksgiving.
Maybe I'm a scrooge. Maybe its because the lil drummer boy is on the radio for the 29,392nd time today. Maybe it's finals. Maybe I'm really a woman and I'm having PMS. All I know is, Fuck Santa, Fuck Rudolph, Fuck Bing Crosby and Fuck the 12 Days of Christmas. I want a beer.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Do I want to support drug use?
My...uh.... Grandma needs some needles for her....uh insulin. 500 cc, long, LONG needles. And she...uh... needs a lot of them cause she's real.... uh.. sick and stuff
I have always had a problem with this. I understand the reasonings behind it and really all of us are split 50/50 on it mostly, yet we still do it. The pro side states that if we give them needles it prevents the spread of HIV and blood-borne pathogens to others seeing as they won't be tempted to use dirty needles. I've always said that these are drugies and the mooch off the system, whats so bad if they get themselves a little deadly disease right?
Then the argument turns to; but these diseases are expensive to fight, which they are, and end up costing us even more money. I cannot argue this point as it is very valid. But I have a counter offer.
Don't treat them at all.
Cruel? Yes. Ethical? Maybe not. Why should we pay for the fact some heroin addict used someone's needle and now has HIV? I say is evolution. I have a hard time knowing my hard earned money goes to support people who are too damned lazy to get a job. I have an even harder time knowing we're keeping alive someone who has already thrown their life away. I thought the purpose of treating such diseases was to increase quality of life for these individuals. Why should we increase the quality of life from someone who has pissed it away themselves?
Maybe I'm an asshole. No wait, I am asshole theres no question about that. But I really don't see what's wrong with that option. We coddle people far too much in today's society. We give too much benefit of the doubt. And sometimes we should let people live in the grave they dug.
Alas I am but a wee college student who cannot do much at this moment. And for now, I shall just go with the flow because all I need is to be bitched at by management some more.
My evil little plan though? I'll just have to make sure I give them some short needles instead of the longs they so desperately need ;)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Stomach Grumblings
Depakote is used namely for bi-polar disorders and/or manic depressives. The problem with being hungry and dispensing this? They smell like fuckin cotton candy. They sit on my tray and this smell overtakes my sense. It takes a lot of will power to not eat all of them in one shot. That and I'm sure they don't taste to good.
Why mention this? I had 5 Rxs in a row of Depakote this morning. And I forgot to eat breakfast. Luckily a 400 pound woman in size 4 clothes came into today and I suddenly lost the urge to eat. Strange how that works
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Another name bitch...
I have had to deal with this one 5 fucking times already today (and its not even noon yet) See when Toprol XL 50mg, 100mg and 200mg went generic Par got the deal to be the exclusive generic. The were initially branded AstraZenica and Par for some damn reason. Now they have decided to change the NDC, as it is only Par now, which is causing havoc on our systems. We've had to create a completely different drug file for this new NDC even though it is exactly the same as the old one seeing as insurances no longer pay for the AstraZenica branded one.
Top that off that with the fact that most of these are in our robots and... well thank god I have my Bud at home tonight.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Pick a name, stick with it
Why must a drug company have 726 aliases?
Dr. Reddy's = Par
Pliva = Sidmak = Barr
Ivax = Teva
The part that really pisses me off? For a while we'll get Pliva. Then suddenly, after 12 months, we'll start getting Barr shit. And because most of the other tech's don't know what to do if you give them a non-aqua tray (because most tray's in our company are those old aqua kind) they can't figure out its the same brand.
Its bad when they label a bottle with 21 labels stating that "This is the same drug... blah blah blah" (They add 21 of them because they're proud they know how to use an aux label) Its worse when you have a robot. See we have a SP200 by ScriptPro. Beautiful machine, makes my life much less hectic. When you have a different brand that comes in though, you have to bleed out the current cell until its empty. Except when you have a Pliva brand in and you get a bottle of Barr, Tweedle Dee will mark it as a brand change and just let it sit there. So when you are at the peak of your day, that cell will run out and you will have to fill it because Tweedle Dee is... well Tweedle Dee.
Its bad enough we get these really fuckin weird brands lately (can't think of the main one of the top of my head) I would just really like to know why they can't get their act together like Actavis and just create a whole new fucking brand. But that would be too easy wouldn't it?
Not even a snowstorm can keep the threats away...
One would think that getting that much snow in one day would be the big story of the day. Alas you would be wrong as you have to remember that I am in the ghetto.
Mind you we closed at 3:30. We had someone banging on the door at 5:30 saying he needed his meds. Being the kind people we are, those of us who were left let him. First he was pissed because we wouldn't sell him any smokes. I registers were off and the only reason we let him in was because he 'needed' his meds.
"But I don't wanna fuckin walk to the gas station" he whines.
Then we tell him that one of his meds, his Albuterol Inhaler, hasn't been ok'd by the doc yet. Most likely due to the fact that the whole goddamn city had shut down. And he hadn't gotten it filled in well over a year so it obviously wasn't a necessity. Especially considering that he was going to get smokes with it.
He of course fucking flips. Say's he's gonna take his business to Wal-Mart or Walgreens because we're fucking him over by not giving him his meds and his smokes. I'm sorry bud but we let you in to be nice so you don't need smokes, and since you haven't had this filled in 18 months, we're not just gonna give you one. (Note: We had 3 seperate jail profiles for him)
"You guys are fucking assholes, you have no soul, fuck all of you" he screams. Seeing as the front door was locked (since we were closed) I had to let him out. "Fuck you" he says as he shoves me out of my way. "Have a nice night," I tell him as I lock the door.
That might not have been a good idea.
I'm not even back to plunk my ass down on my chair in the pharmacist when I hear something slamming the front door. He's back now screaming "I'm gonna get in there and kick all you're fucking asses you goddamn fucking nazis!" He then picks something up off the sidewalk and starts beating the door. "C'mon out you pussies and let me fuckin rip your goddamn heads off!"
Well I hit the old 911 on Speed-dial. I explain the situation to the woman, who was very nice by the way, and she states she'll get a squad there as soon as she can, but obviously its shitty so it may take a while. After I hang up the phone one of our clerks goes to the front and tells this fella that we had called the cops and they're on their way. Needless to say he left.
So on top of having to dig my sorry ass out of snow four times today, and take a biochem test tomorrow morning, I now have to go file another freakin' report with the police. Gotta love the ghetto. Shitty even in snowfall.
I am stuck at work
Lord help me.
On my way across the bridge to one of our stores today, God decided to let loose a diahrea of snow. All the freeways are closed. Cell phones are down. Theres 30+ inches of snow in the parking lot. I am fucking stuck at work.
But alas I still have the internet. I have some Lortab. I have some Mountain Dew. At least I can entertain myself.
I added a timer
Monday, December 3, 2007
The End is Near...

I'm beginning to think some professors main goal is completely destroy your soul. I mean honestly, what else could cause them to schedule their classes the way they do.
Case and point, I have a 1 Biochem test every week for six weeks. Six... Fucking.... Weeks. Every waking moment I'm constantly thinking about carbohydrates or glycolysis. Every day I dread having to go over mechanisms and pathways.
I have decided this Wednesday, after test six, I am going to find me a bar and hopefully kill a vast majority of my brain cells. I think its the only hope I have for my survival....
Eh fuck it, I'll start now. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Budweiser...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I wanna be stupid!
I am in one helluva a pissy mood. I have another goddamn biochem test this week and two rather large essays due by Friday. Tack on finals week coming up and I'm having the male equivalent of PMS. Which brings me to my big bitch today.
I want to be stupid. Seriously. I'll use that as an excuse for everything in life.
Got someone pregnant? Sorry, I was stupid.
Ate some toxic waste? Whoops, stupid here.
Got your dick caught in a hot tub? Stupid is as stupid does.
What got me thinking these glorious thoughts on such a morn? Our clerk today. She has worked for us for over 2 years. One would think after 2 years that you would know virtually everything, especially the basics, about your job. Sadly this was not the case. She could not figure out how to turn on and then log on to her computer terminal.
Now its not like our computers crash rarely. They're down as often as a 90 year old man's penis. So its very very common to have to reboot the computers. And yet this chick... actually I shall refer to her henceforth as Le Retard', couldn't afigure it out. Le Retard' first asked how to turn it on. Then Le Retard' asked how to log on. Then Le Retard' asked why her keys weren't working (she was pressing the wrong keys). My fucking god it was like dealing with a 6 year old. On top of that, since the computers did come back up I was fucking swamped.
And the kicker, Le Retard' is going to be a teacher. Go figure.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Cool tidbit of knowledge
Molecules can be connected in two different ways. One with that bulk of atoms on one side and one with the bulk on opposite sides. They are called cis and trans respectively.
How vision works is that it takes the aldehyde version of Vitamin A (Retinal) and combines it with another molecule called Opsin. This combined molecule, called Rhodopsin, is what is in the rod cells of the eyes.
When you absorb photons, i.e. look at something, it causes the one of the bonds in the Rhodopsin molecule to turn from trans to cis. It effectively is like turning a switch on and off. Maybe I'm geeky but I find it cool as hell that something that simple is what gives us the ability to see everything in our world. Ok, back to my chemistry book....
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Why Corpo Pharmcies Suck
A woman came in today and asked to get her Lisinopril transferred over from a Walgreens in town. She was a new customer to us and while the pharmacist was getting the copy I was shootin' the shit with her. I asked her, for my own curiosity, why she switched to us. She stated it was because the last time she had her Lisinopril filled they told her it would take up to 12 hours or more to fill.
Now understand there were refills on this medication, she had a stable insurance plan and she was a very friendly, and competent, woman. We could have filled this prescription in under five minutes. Fifteen minutes max if we're rather busy. So how in the hell would it take them over 12 hours to fill something as simple as a 30-day Lisinopril prescription.
I can understand that they have a higher volume than us (they usually beat us by a 2:1 ratio) but they can't have more then 5, maybe 10, waiters at one time. Even in that scenerio, this prescription shouldn't take longer than that 15 minute max (unless a difficult customer/phone call interupts). What in the hell could they be doing during this time? Needless to say I gave some thought to it and this is what I came up with.
- Playing the "I found this tablet on the floor and I don't know what it is, but I'll take it and see what it does" game
- Looking at transvestite porn
- Looking at midget porn
- Making a Soufflé
- Looking at midget transvestite porn
- Performing a tooth extraction (see previous post)
- Looking at midget transvestite porn who have no teeth
Other than these items I have no idea just what in the world they're doing back there. Maybe they have orgies or something, and if thats the case I'm putting in my app right now.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Pharmacy = Dental Office?
That day was slightly different. I watched her stumble in her own way up to the pharmacist. She was politely greeted and she responded that she needed a favor.
Now on a Friday night a favor is a couple of Soma on the side, maybe a five spot for some beer. This Friday night was not a night for one of those regular questions. This question reminded me that there was a full moon outside.
"I got a small favor," she asks, "I got a dentist appointment on Monday cause my tooth hurts real bad, but I don't want to wait so can you just yank it out for me right now?"
Needless to say the pharmacist just kind of stood there speechless. Had this woman really just asked a pharmacist to yank her tooth out? Was he expected to sit her in one of our chairs, grab a pair of pliers and just tug at it until it popped out? Needless to say he politely told her she should just wait until Monday as that was not his expertise. She kindly told us to have a nice weekend and stumbled back out of the door.
Honestly I don't know what the hell to think of this. Perhaps I shall head to the eye doctor and ask for a vasectomy. Maybe go to Cub later and ask them if they have any deals on TVs. Or maybe I'll just chalk this up to the fact that she's a druggie, it was Friday and a full moon. Now that I think of it, I do need a dentist appointment....
The November Miss Medication Contest!
I present to you, this month's prettiest medication, Ms. Docusate Sodium!

Hailing from many varying origins, from the land of Watson, to the island of Qualitest, to the beaches of Valu-rite and the mountains of Leader, she has traveled far and wide. Constantly referred to as 'Poopy-head' while growing up, she has shown that she can indeed soften the stools of the most hardened kind. She takes pride in helping people flow and be more regular then they would upon their own accord. Often she cares for thus under a chronic narcotic regiment, a sign that she truly cares! If your bran muffin isn't doing it to you, I suggest you see our November medication of the month, Ms. Docusate Sodium!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
What A Way to Start the Day
Have a doctor bitch at you. We faxed for refills on a drug for a patient and this particular doctor responded with:
Rx faxed with years refills on 10/06/07. Please check records before sending
Check records? Check fucking records???
This comes from the same people who will 'accidently' change a patients daily med from BID (twice a day) to QID (four times a day) or will write for Haloperidol 5mg when they really mean Haloperidol 0.5mg.
The same people who tell us to expect 5 or more days to get a refill authorization.
The same people who will take a vacation for 3 weeks and not allow any other docs to refill their patients meds (even if they are out)
The same people who will ignore that great big Amoxicillin Allergy at the top of their own prescriptions and then type "Amoxicillin 500mg, 1CQID+10D"
The same people who put in Hydralazine instead of Hydroxyzine
And finally, the same fucking people who click a button and think their Rx automatically, and without a doubt of certainty, was received by the pharmacy. We never recieved this original Rx from this doc. Wonder if I should write a note back asking her to check her records
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Screw the second woman who bitched about having to stand outside said window for 10 minutes before she pounded on the window. Obviously the front door, which is 15 feet away, was much to far for her to walk during those 10 minutes.
Screw the woman who calls in for her oddball medication and then gets pissy when we don't have it. I'm sorry we don't carry your $4,000 a month medication at all times. Sure take your business to Walgreens, they'll just tell you your SOL as well
Screw the guy who gets brand specific medications. No one at this store (not my home store) is smart enough to type that note on your profile and I do not have ESPN therefore I don't know that you can only take Mylan brand otherwise you may die.
Screw the store I'm at this weekend for not filing things in the computer. Its the 21st century, you shouldn't need three separate stacks of Rxs that can't be filled. Just put them on file in the damned system so when I look for something that was called in last week, I can see that we actually have it.
Screw Jimmy Johns for fucking up my lunch order. Only goddamn thing I have to look forward to today and they have to fuck it up.
Screw the store I'm working at again for not having any Mountain Dew. Seriously how the fuck am I supposed to be chipper anymore without the Dew. And just who the hell runs out of Dew?
Screw Mother Nature. I'm sorry your on the rag and you decided to snow today, but please don't rain and then decide to snow. No one likes a bitch with a split personality.
Screw Grand Theft Auto. I just wanted to go home and shoot some pimps and hoes, but nooooooooooo I have to be stuck on a difficult level which I can not pass.
Screw NASCAR for taking the only semi-entertaining thing I used to watch on Saturdays and turn it into an event as exciting as watching worms screw. Actually that's really entertaining, maybe they should make a Worm Porn channel
Screw my laptop for burning my crotch as I write this rant. What the fuck is up with that?
Ok... I'm better now. Now wheres my Johnnie Walker....
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie

No hello, no please, no actually walking up to the counter. Just bellow it out as I walk in the front door. You'd expect to be laughed at, to here people mutter just what the hell his problem is right?
So why in the world do people barely set foot in the pharmacy and scream "I want some Icy-Hot" or "I want my Lisinopril". Do these people not realize that a simple act such as saying "Hello" will greatly speed up the time it takes to get their medications? That a word as simple as "Please" will cause me to point you to the correct aisle instead of having you wonder around aimlessly?
I mean just what in the hell is wrong with people? Oddly enough the lady who did this today works at the gas station across the street. So I think after work I'm gonna take one step into the store and go
" I want a case of Mich Golden Light"
And then not move until she gets it for me. See how she likes that. And she smelled to... kind of like cabbage. Smelly bitches...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
You haven't lived until theres an assult rifle pointed at you...

Just another day in the ghetto. Lil Lortab here, lil Oxy there. And it was snowing making kind of pretty... well as pretty as the ghetto can look.
The pharmacist next to me gets a phone call, and looks kind of confused. He asks me if I had dialed 911 and that one of the alarms had been pressed. I go and look around and check all of them, but they appeared to be fine.
As I go in the back again the pharmacist puts the phone down and says we need to walk out the front door with our hands up. I, of course, think he's just shitting me seeing as we were just plotting a prank on a co-worker 30 minutes prior. He says no, he's serious, we have to leave now. So I go and walk out the front door.
And there stands 9 police officers. One with an assult rifle pointed directly at the door, another with a 9mm off to the side. They then storm the building to check and see what the issue is. All of us (5 employees and 2 customers, including a 5 year old) were searched and questioned. Seeing as this was my regular store I went in with the lead guy and went through the store with him and found everything to be just fine. We chalked it up to some kind of glitch in our security system and they went on their way.
Now one could look at this as a bad thing. But I think of it as I got a free 15 minute break from work, got some fresh air, and since we had to have our hands up I got to stretch for a lil while. Needless to say I felt a little refreshed when we went back to work. The joys of the ghetto...
Friday, November 9, 2007
I am Batman

Fear not people of my city, for I am the one who protects the innocent from harm, who puts criminals behind bars. Yes... I am Batman!
I'm seriously thinking of wearing my underwear on the outside of my clothes and wearing a cape to work after this week. Lets get a little back history before we delve into my adventures.
The main pharmacy I work at is in the ghetto portion of the city. And by ghetto I mean "I don't have the $1.00 for my son's seizure meds, but I can buy a $5 pack of Marb Reds" kind of neighborhood. I have worked there for three years (as of the 1st) and during my time this is what has occurred.
- We have been broken into, by my count, bout 7 or 8 times in three years. It is never drugs taken. Nor cash from the open register drawers. No they always steal just the cigs. Kinda strange when you think about it.
- I have confiscated 9 fake $50/$100 bills
- I have had to call the police on 9 separate occasions
- After sending a fella to jail, had a couple strikes against him already, for passing some fake cash he decided to come visit me after he was released, seeing as all he remembered was my first name. He sat for 15 minutes fiddling in his jacket pocket thanking me for helping him find God and the likes before he finally left. Needless to say I had a few lil streaks in my shorts.
- I have witness a woman grab our 70 year old pharmacist by the neck when he refused to dispense her pain medication (she was an abuser)
- I have had to throw people out of the store for coming in with guns poking out of their jeans
- We have been robbed twice, both times taking someone hostage with a weapon, both times asking for Oxycontin. They were caught the second time however and I had to joy of id'ing them and filing plenty of paperwork for the courts.
- During the 2nd robbery attempt they found a car that had been stolen from Chicago in our parking lot (it was unrelated from the robbery)
- Recently our manager was caught trying to sell Vicodan (which she stole from our store) to an undercover cop. More paper work for me. Yay
Now back to this week....
Wednesday was merely an ordinary day. Or so I thought. As I arrive I am quickly informed that our pharmacist, when checking on an iffy script of a patient, somehow found out that the guy had a warrant out for his arrest. As soon as he was to arrive we were to detain him and call the police. Well he showed up, I went back to the 'bat phone' (yes we have a red bat phone for emergencies) and dialed 911. As he walked out the front door the police stormed him and he took off like a fat kid after a cake. The cops ended up chasing him for several blocks before he trying OD'ing on the Hydromorphone he just received from us. Luckily for him, but perhaps not for his butthole, he survived.
The excitement for the day was over... or so I thought.
Two weeks prior to this we had taken a Tramadol Rx from a girl. I immediately flagged it and alerted it to the pharmacist. 1) It was a DDS writing for a quantity of 60 which is strange in itself and 2) All she ever got from us was Tramadol, from 4 different stores, all cash. Yet he filled it anyway.
A week later we find out that she had stolen a blank Rx pad from this dentist and was writing out forged prescriptions all over the city. Well, the genius that she is, called in for the refill on her forged script.... 20 minutes after we got the last guy arrested.
We alerted the police, who stated they would have some squads in the area for the next couple hours. It would be the same pharmacist and I from the last time she was there. As she walks in the door I recognize her immediately. The pharmacist does not and actually buys her spiel as she asks questions for her 'kid'. I go back to dial 911 on the 'bat phone' again and after I get off the phone I see she is gone. Turns out she forgot her money.
So the police come and go and I ask them to wait around because she said she'd be back shortly. They do not. And she comes back. I dial 911 only to hear them say that they have no squads in the area.. shift change. The pharmacist and I decide to give her only 12 of the 60 and send her on her way. Not even 2 minutes out of the store she calls and asks where the rest of them are. I politely tell her they'll be in the order at 10am the next morning and she can get them then.
Now we are on Day 2 of our sting operation. She shows up twice, but is extremely antsy and impatient and doesn't wait longer than 30 seconds. Police misses her both times. Today, Day 3, her boyfriend shows up. The clerk is legitimately held up by another patient as I go to the 'bat phone' once again. He grows impatient and leaves soon after. Cop shows up a minute later. And then, the geniuses they are, they park 5 squads on the corners around the store. Sure, they're gonna come in now!
Tomorrow will be Day 4 of our operation. I talked to her, once again, before I left today and she stated that she would be in sometime on Saturday. Hopefully we can nab her then.
So you see, I truly am like Batman. She shall be the seventh criminal I take off the street. Don't think they'll have a class on this stuff in pharmacy school...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I need an early refill...
Me: Well you're about 13 days too early, what happened?
Patient: Well I dropped them
Me: Did they land in a toliet
Patient: No
Me: Did they go down a sink
Patient: No
Me: So where did they land
Patient: On my rug
Me: Ok..... well the tablets are still good
Patient: Really? Oh ok.
Me: Yep, just make sure you brush the dirt off them before you take them.
Patient: Thanks! (Click)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
BCBS... how I loathe you
Strange I thought, we usually get this stuff the day it comes out. Look it up on our wholesaler, nada. Make a quick phone call, it won't be sent out until Monday, meaning we won't get it until Tuesday. Then I decided I'd call BCBS (the patients insurer.)
I explain to them, calmly and politely, that the drug is not being released by the manufacturer until Tuesday. She tells me that there is a generic for this drug and we must dispense it. I state again, NO ONE will have the drug for another 4 days, thus we cannot dispense it. She says the same thing. I ask to talk to the manager.
The manager gets on the phone and I state my problem. He goes, well there is a generic available for this drug, you must dispense it. I tell him, again, that it is unavailable and that the patient is out. He then goes, well the patient will just have to go without it for a couple days until you get the generic. Some dipshit, who probably can't even spell the drug, is deciding this patients therapy. I politely called him an uneducated asshole (not in those exact words) and hung up.
Needless to say we fronted the patient some of the brand name until that Tuesday. Why did I just think of this? Because a pharmacist in another store went through the exact same thing earlier today. Nice to see they have learned.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Why the fuck do you want a PA?
Anywho so this guy comes in today and asks for a transfer on some Quinine Sulfate 325mg. Now for those outside of the pharmacy world the FDA put a stop to the generic form of this several months ago and it is only available under the now brand name Qualquin. We have seven pharmacies, including a 1500 bed nursing facilitates and we only have 485 capsules on hand between the stories.
This guy comes in and DEMANDS a PA (Prior Authorization, basically a doctor and pharmacy jump through hoops for an insurance company saying that the patient really really really needs this) and that he wants it today. I calmly tell him that we'll only be able to supply this fill and MAYBE the next fill with the specific Quinine Sulfate he desires. Its simply that we can no longer get it and have to switch him to Qualquin (which of course its much more expensive then the generic)
His insurance won't even cover it. No a PA won't help, we know his local insurance, its not going to cover it. Even if it doesn't he wants 'just this generic'. The dipshit can't seem to understand that he's only gonna be able to get this for a max of maybe another 30 days.
So we're going through all the paperwork and the hassles, doctors office is doing this as well, to get a PA for an insurance that will not pay for it in the first place, for an item which will he will not be able to get in 4 weeks time from us (and trust me we have exhausted our last resources) .
Really I wanna just punch this guy in the face, but hey that gives me a reason to drink on a Wednesday night!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The October Miss Medication Contestant!
Brought to you by our sponsors Astroglide® (For that natural smooth feeling when you need it most) and Fleet® Enemas (When you just don’t feel regular…) I present to you the October Miss Medication Contestant!
For years there has been an argument over which medication is indeed the prettiest. We have our snooty, rich, wanna be hotties such as Ms. Lipitor and our trailer trash, food-stamp loving friend Ms. Hydrocodone. Neither one of these… things… are considered beautiful enough to make our final selection.
Voting will be open for YOU to choose who will be the new 2007 Miss Medication contest. Now let us introduce our first contestant….

Miss Nexium comes to us from the fruitful land of Astra-Zeneca. A controversy ensued recently as it was discovered that Miss Nexium bares a striking resemblance to her sister Mrs. Prilosec. Furthermore it was noticed that they have many of the same qualities, which has led someone to wonder whether or not they are one in the same.
Miss Nexium likes to play with proton pumps, but tends to inhibit their activies. Her good friends include Ms. Amoxicillin and Ms. Clarithromycin and they have formed a the "Anti-Helicobacter pylori" league. Miss Nexium enjoyes long walks through the small intestine, but never more than 6 hours. If you like spicy foods and caffeine, Miss Nexium is the medication for you.
Everyone, please give Miss Nexium a hand!
Did you know?
30-12 = 28
I don't know how I have gone this far in school without learning this. I mean I'm only a 4 year chemistry major, but surely they must have left that out of Calculus.
Or perhaps there is just another method for counting Lortabs that I am unaware of. Maybe there is this magical land where it rains Vicodan and Darvocet, where refills are unlimited and pixies galore....
Or perhaps this person was just a drugged out dumbass who can't count. Its your call.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
FDA = Fucking Dumb Asses
Everyone has heard of the recall of infant's cold medications. What few people realize, normally because they're too busy bitching that we no longer have the Dimetapp they want, is the lack of studies on said medications.
The drugs - they include some Dimetapp, Pediacare, Robitussin and Triaminic products - have never been tested in children, which a previous FDA panel noted as long ago as 1972. Drug makers instead have used extrapolated data from studies in adults to come up with dosing recommendations based on a child's age or size.
So these items have been on the market and used for over 30 years... yet there has never been tested on that which it is market towards. Surely one would think our own government would research items which are ingested by our young.
The medicines are widely used, with an estimated 95 million packages sold for infant and toddler use each year.
Thats a lot of medication being sold and used without any proper studies being conducted. But wait, it gets far worse.
A Food and Drug Administration panel of advisers voted yesterday to ban scores of popular over-the-counter cough and cold products intended for children under the age of 6 because they have not been shown to work and can cause injuries
Obviously these people have never seen the relief received from a 5 year old from one of these items. To flatout state that these drugs have no benefit on children is ludicrous. I understand that there are people out there who should not be parents. I also understand that these said people have a difficult time reading the directions on the packaging which has led to the OD'ing of their child on said medication. But does this justify stating that these medications do not work whatsoever?
That being said if common sense was merely used, if patients actually consulted with their doctor and/or pharmacist, then the deaths associated with OD'ing could have been avoided. Still doesn't change the fact that the FDA is a bunch of jackasses. Hmmm that gives me an idea for a cartoon to draw in class tomorrow...
Good God
Its scary that people can actually use something like this...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hi this is Jack Meoff...
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
10:19 AM:
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
10:34 AM:
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
10:41 AM:
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
10:46 AM:
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
10:52 AM:
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
11:00 AM:
Phone rings
Hi this is Jack Meoff is my Lortab prescription been called in?
Calling every 5 minutes will not help your prescription arrive any faster. This occurred until about 4pm...
Note: Name changed to protect the addicted
Friday, October 12, 2007
Nice guy walks up to the counter and asks if his doctor has called in his prescriptions yet. I look at my pile and see he's next in line, so I tell him it'll be a couple minutes.
I submit it to Minnesota Welfare.
I look at the reject and it says "PPHP UCARE" which means he has UCARE instead of welfare.
[One of the states I work in has four medicaid plans. All of those have different ids and different groups. And people get switched plans monthly. Even if they are on the same plan, every month the state will change the group number. Its a joy]
I ask him if he has a new card, and he gives it to me.... and UCARE card. Imput all the proper info on the card, submit the claim and...
WTF I go. I double check all the numbers and everything matchs up. I go into the reject screen and it says "Member ID not found".
Bullshit. I'm looking right at the card (dated current even). I monkey around with it, get several more rejects. Finally I call a different store and they suggest trying another group (one not on the card). Once again
Ah but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The reject states that "Patient is not covered". Now MN-ITs (where we verify which MA coverage the patient has) said he had UCARE. The Welfare reject said he had UCARE. Patient said his case worker just yesterday said he had UCARE. But UCARE disagrees.
Of course they're only open from 8am-5pm M-F, so the guy was SOL. We gave him some tablets to get through to Monday when we can finally get a hold of someone. In all likelihood he has coverage, theres just a glitch somewhere that says he doesn't. He was at least very patients and polite with us over the whole ordeal.
Minnesota is such a pain in the ass.... least I'm going to the bar tonight.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Ah to be Relaxed...
A short time later a clerk pointed out he had nodded off. Sure enough he was there slumped over snoring slightly. We were nice and let him sleep while he continued to wait.
A little while later the clerk came up into the pharmacy laughing his ass off. All he could do to point to the sleeping man in the chair.... and the puddle that was now on the floor. Sure enough he had pissed himself in his sleep. And it was a lot of piss.
The kind people we are, we left him there, unwilling to wake up an old man who had just pissed himself in a public place. A short time later I glanced over and he was gone. All that was left was the puddle on the chair and on the floor.
Ah to be so relaxed in public...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Pet Peeve of the Day
- If your car door does not open, and your window does not roll down you must go to the drive-thru
- If you are receiving a large order (say 2 cases of diapers for your child), you must go to the drive-thru
- If you need to drop off more than 5 prescriptions (all from an ER doc who can't even write his own name or that are multiple controls) and you insist waiting at the window you must go to the drive-thru
- Above applies if you've also had the same med filled recently at another store and claim to not remember
- If you want a snickers bar, you must go to the drive-thru
- If you want to know when the next movie starts in the adjacent theater, you must go to the drive-thru
- If you need a place to park, why not just park in front of the drive-thru
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Solvay Pharmaceuticals I Dispise You
Today's favorite was Prometrium 100mg.
Prometrium 100mg
How can one feel so strongly about a medication? Well you see some dipshit decide it would be a brilliant idea to make the capsules in the shape of a sphere. Yes you have to count these little annoying ass balls (pink balls at that) and chase them around the tray. Now when you're doing 300+ Rxs a day, you don't have time to dick around tryin to count these damned things. Concerta is the same f'n way (those are cylinder shaped).
There must be some jackass who sits in a cubical who just dreams up of funky ass tablet/capsule shapes just to piss people off. Sometime I shall find this man and shove a curling iron up his ass.
Until then, Solvay Pharmaceuticals you get a big ole FU!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Is there no justice?
Is there no justice in this world anymore? I mean honestly after the last few months I’m beginning to doubt this.
So about 8 months ago we were robbed twice by the same duo. Both times one of them came in, grabbed someone, put a knife to their neck and asked for all of our Oxycontin. The second time of which we were quick enough and caught the individuals. And what was their punishment? Maximum of 1 year at a work farm. So you perform an armed robbery, take someone hostage, steal medication and get just a year at a work farm. Jesus I think maybe I'm in the wrong profession then.
The next part here I haven't really been able to speak much of due to legal restraints. That has since been lifted, but its more or less been forgotten... until today.Our new manager, well she's no longer our manager, has been sitting in jail for about a month ago. She tried selling a couple thousand Lor-Tab (Vicodan, Hydrocodone, whatever ya wanna call it) to an undercover FEDERAL AGENT. Remember that part. It was then discovered that she had been stealing this from us for quite a while. In addition she created fake prescriptions, altered our inventory on top of stealing and distributing drugs. She is looking at about 40-45 years in a federal prison and a 1 Million Dollar fine.
One would assume then that she would be in jail for quite a while correct?
We got a call today that she was released on recognisance, without having to pay her $75,000 bail, and left with her mother. Now do you really think that someone who is looking at that much prison time, and she will not be cut a deal according to the DA, is going to stay in the area? I mean just what the hell is that?
So I have included that the system does not work. I'm going to move towards a life of crime because that seems to be a bit more rewarding than doing things the legal way...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Why not just wait?
We had a prescription for Accutane today. Because of the nature of the drug, it can cause rather severe birth defects, the person has to sign up for the iPledge program to help monitor the patient so as not to cause birth defects. Basically its this long ass process to get the prescription and to top it off the store was never setup with iPledge (seeing as the store is only 4 weeks old).
So I asked the woman politely to wait a minute or two while we made a phone call (to 'borrow' another store's id for now so she could just get it here) but instead she decides to become impatient and states she'll just be back later. Of course she then leaves... without giving us her damned iPledge ID number.
Of course when she comes back she's pissy because 'we said it would take just a minute or two'. It ended up taking even longer than it normally would because we had to start the process all over again.
Is it really that damned hard to wait 120 seconds? What could be so damned important that you have to wander off? Did your dog call you and tell you his tongue was stuck to the freezer? Was your grandmother dying? I mean c'mon...
Monday, September 24, 2007
For some reason I have an insane knack for this. I can recite to you the structure and properties of all 20 main amino acids... yet when I take a test I freeze. Strange how that works...
And Flu Shots began today. Luckily there were no screamers (either adult or child) and it went pretty smoothly. We're submitting them online this year which ensures we have payment rather than waiting like most years. Perhaps the most interesting aspect is that Humana D members are SOL in terms of coverage for flu shots.. at least through us. Imagine the geniuses that thought that one up.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
How I Almost Lost A Testicle
When I lived in the dorms my freshman year in college we quite often became very bored. Sometimes this would equate to us finding random items and throwing them at each other generally to see who would puss out first. One day my buddy Mitch and I were tossing a combination of batteries and little bouncy balls at each other. During one such toss of the balls I decided to do some acrobatics and jump out of the way. What I didn’t realize is that caused my testicles to dangle freely in the air producing a nice soft target for said ball. My left testicle took the brunt of the impact and I was left in a heap on the floor. I spent the rest of the night in bed checking for swelling. There was none, still not sure if that’s a good thing or not, and by the next morning I felt fit for class.
About a month later my girlfriend and I were heading to an amusement park for the day. Afterwards we got ourselves a hotel room for the night to rest up after a highly exhausting day. When I awoke the next morning, however, I found I was unable to stand up fully erect. I could only hobble around the hotel room hunched over and bow legged. I thought I had broken something the night before which scared the leaving shit out of me at the time. Being the man I am, I trudged on pretending that it really wasn’t all that bad. We drove the two hours home, on a very bumpy freeway mind you, while I felt like my testicles were going to literally explode.
Now it may have been the blinding pain emanating from my boy parts, but my girlfriend finally convinced me to make a visit to the ER. Now if you ever have to visit a doc for something in that area be prepared for a barrage of STD questions. I mean shit, I swear to God he was trying to trick me into admitting that on the weekend I dress and drag and have orgies with midgets while wearing my high heels. Then he decided that I needed to piss in a rather large and intimidating container. Of course when I actually tried to fill the same thing I was walked in on…. Three times. The last time I wanted to look at the woman and ask if she wanted to help, but I was scared that she’d actually say yes.
He comes back and tells me he thinks my testicle has twisted around, like meatball in spaghetti, and may need to be removed immediately. Thus he states that I need an ultrasound. Now first remember that they keep that goddamn gel in the freezer, so needless to say when it was applied things shriveled up like the first time you took a shower in gym class. Tack on the fact that it was a 50-60 year old woman and it was one of the unsexiest experiences in my life. This woman was quite a charmer and I actually forgot she was playing with my balls. Sadly I did not get her number when I was thru. I will say it was quite interesting to see the insides of your gonads. Although I was disappointed I did not actually get to see any of my swimmers.
After my nut massage I went back to the exam room and the doc finally came back with a diagnosis: an infection of the epididymis. The epididymis is a tube which essentially connects your testicles to the Vas Deferens. Basically my nut was infected. The lesson learned is that when there is a traumatic injury to that… region… it can cause urine to go back up the urethra and cause an infection. Funny how you learn life’s lessons?
To top off the experience the doc turned out to be the twin brother of one of the pharmacists I work with. Made for a very awkward meeting several months later.
All in all it cost me several hundred dollars, none of which would my friend who caused this little experience pay for. At least I got to have my balls massaged, although I never did get that number..
Friday, September 21, 2007
Stupid Questions, Stupid Answers
Someone today asked for 500mg Naproxen. I politely told her that 500mg Naproxen is prescription only, but the OTC version is available in about half that dose.
She then states that we have 500mg on the shelf and asks how it can be prescription only if its on the shelf. I ask her to show me where it says this. She points to a box of Tylenol. I try to explain to her that Tylenol and Naproxen are not the same thing. She then proceeds to tell me that her mother takes 500mg Naproxen out of a bottle that looks precisely like this and that this is what she wants. I tell her that there is no Naproxen in this product, but she insists that she wants the Tylenol and only Tylenol... Oy.
Then again this is the same woman who called in once and wanted the blue pill filled that's next to her Fosamax in her medicine cabinet...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
So where does the money go?
Recently the drug Coreg came out generically. Prior to this, Coreg was a rather expensive medication costing in the neighborhood of $100.00 a month.
Two weeks ago the generic equivalent, Carvedilol, came to market. When I first looked at the invoice I thought my eyes were deceiving me. It not costs patients just $5.00 a month for this exact same medication.
Oh but it gets better. A few months before the generic release came Coreg CR... just a long acting form of the same drug. Once again, the monthly cost of the drug is in the three figures, yet you can receive essentially the same drug for a mere five bucks.
Where the hell is the logic behind this? Getting into this industry I thought that the point of all of this was to help people, not to pad pockets. Makes you wonder just where the hell all that money ends up...
Time for a ride...
Perhaps this will make you laugh, perhaps this will shed some light on myself and perhaps you get a feel of just what I deal with each day. Until then, let the ride begin....