Sunday, November 18, 2007

What A Way to Start the Day

Its always a joy to work a Sunday, especially when you work every Sunday. I'm beginning to think the NFL are just lil graphics on my computer screen and not actual people, but alas that is another story. Whats the absolute best way to start your day when you first walk in the door and clear off your fax?

Have a doctor bitch at you. We faxed for refills on a drug for a patient and this particular doctor responded with:

Rx faxed with years refills on 10/06/07. Please check records before sending

Check records? Check fucking records???

This comes from the same people who will 'accidently' change a patients daily med from BID (twice a day) to QID (four times a day) or will write for Haloperidol 5mg when they really mean Haloperidol 0.5mg.

The same people who tell us to expect 5 or more days to get a refill authorization.

The same people who will take a vacation for 3 weeks and not allow any other docs to refill their patients meds (even if they are out)

The same people who will ignore that great big Amoxicillin Allergy at the top of their own prescriptions and then type "Amoxicillin 500mg, 1CQID+10D"

The same people who put in Hydralazine instead of Hydroxyzine

And finally, the same fucking people who click a button and think their Rx automatically, and without a doubt of certainty, was received by the pharmacy. We never recieved this original Rx from this doc. Wonder if I should write a note back asking her to check her records

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