Sunday, December 2, 2007

I wanna be stupid!

Maybe its the fact that god decided to shit 12+ inches of snow on the ground this morning. Maybe its because the inconsiderate prick who plows the alley where i park always, ALWAYS leaves a big ass pile right behind my car. Maybe its because I get to work and the computers are down. Again.

I am in one helluva a pissy mood. I have another goddamn biochem test this week and two rather large essays due by Friday. Tack on finals week coming up and I'm having the male equivalent of PMS. Which brings me to my big bitch today.

I want to be stupid. Seriously. I'll use that as an excuse for everything in life.

Got someone pregnant? Sorry, I was stupid.

Ate some toxic waste? Whoops, stupid here.

Got your dick caught in a hot tub? Stupid is as stupid does.

What got me thinking these glorious thoughts on such a morn? Our clerk today. She has worked for us for over 2 years. One would think after 2 years that you would know virtually everything, especially the basics, about your job. Sadly this was not the case. She could not figure out how to turn on and then log on to her computer terminal.

Now its not like our computers crash rarely. They're down as often as a 90 year old man's penis. So its very very common to have to reboot the computers. And yet this chick... actually I shall refer to her henceforth as Le Retard', couldn't afigure it out. Le Retard' first asked how to turn it on. Then Le Retard' asked how to log on. Then Le Retard' asked why her keys weren't working (she was pressing the wrong keys). My fucking god it was like dealing with a 6 year old. On top of that, since the computers did come back up I was fucking swamped.

And the kicker, Le Retard' is going to be a teacher. Go figure.

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