Monday, October 8, 2007

Ah to be Relaxed...

So we had an older fellow today he insisted on waiting until his doctor called back on his refill. Most people give up after 10 minutes. This guy did not. He plopped his ass down one of chairs and proceeded to wait.

A short time later a clerk pointed out he had nodded off. Sure enough he was there slumped over snoring slightly. We were nice and let him sleep while he continued to wait.

A little while later the clerk came up into the pharmacy laughing his ass off. All he could do to point to the sleeping man in the chair.... and the puddle that was now on the floor. Sure enough he had pissed himself in his sleep. And it was a lot of piss.

The kind people we are, we left him there, unwilling to wake up an old man who had just pissed himself in a public place. A short time later I glanced over and he was gone. All that was left was the puddle on the chair and on the floor.

Ah to be so relaxed in public...

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