Monday, June 21, 2010

To Infinity... And Beyond!

Yes, this post is about a movie. No, I am not shamelessly plugging the movie for Pixar as there is a legit point to be made here.

That being said, I'm a huge fan of Pixar movies. I am consistently amazed at the films they produce year after year. The wife and I are kind of movie buffs and I think one of the most amazing sequences ever put on film is the opening sequence to the movie Up. The fact that so much can be said without much actually being said... well that's damn good film making.

Naturally we wanted to see Toy Story 3 when it came out. Thinking about it now, I realize I was a wee ten years old when the first movie came out. It doesn't really seem that long ago, but time flies when you're a professional student.

I can't say a whole helluva lot without giving away parts of the movie, but let's just say it was beautifully done. The really odd thing is because, in a way, I had grown up with Andy over the last fifteen years, I could kind of relate to the overall story. I mean I had first seen the movie when I was ten and I was seeing the completion of the story with my wife who is pregnant with our first child.

Like I told my friends, if you don't get a little choked up at the end, you probably don't have a soul.

It was just a strange experience simply because I haven't really related to a movie like that in quite some time. I felt rather... well old even though logic tells me I'm really not.

And it makes me wonder where all of my childhood toys are. Oh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, where art thou?!?


Anonymous said...

congrats on the baby :)

i think im a similar age to you. never considered watching this movie but after ur review...y not.

The Redheaded Pharmacist said...

It must be a good movie because I think it set an animated movie box office record on it's opening day for revenue. That says a lot of people were anxious to see this movie as soon as it came out.

I also saw that CNBC will be doing a documentary show on the Pixar company story. I would like to watch that as it would be interesting to hear the story behind that company. I think it airs sometime this week.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%! It was incredible, and eventhough I am a bit older than you, I still bawled at the end...

My daughter who is almost 4, stood up at the end (unprompted) and clapped her little heart out!

It was great!