Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Fond Farewell

Six years ago I came to this city a naive boy from a small town who thought the path his life on was clear and simple. In two days time I leave this city for the final time, a man who feels as if he has fewer answers than when he started, yet with a much clearer idea of who I am as a person.

As strange as it may sound, I think of this place as home. I truly did not enjoy school back home and, aside from my family and the pharmacy, I have no reason to go back there. Not once was I sad when I officially left, something which at the time I found unusual.

This time it is different. I feel like I'm leaving home for the first time. I find it hard to believe that I will not awake here any longer and enjoy the... quaint aspects of the city.

To be honest, I am excited for a change, but I feel as if a huge door is closing on my life. Now I am married, I have a child on the way, and I'm starting on my career in a way. For the first time in my life, I truly feel like an adult.

The other night I began surfing through my initial posts here. I find it humorous, and slightly embarrassing, my initial posts here. Then again, I had no idea what the hell I was doing.... wait, I still don't know what the hell I'm doing here. Yet you people keep coming, so that must mean something.

Six years ago I came to this city with absolutely no idea what to expect. I had no idea I would earn a degree in business or that I would become as enveloped in the industry as I have. I had no idea that I would shed my insecurities and negative qualities in my personal and work life.

I am at peace with many things that I never thought I would find peace in.

A few months ago I argued with someone over what the purpose of this blog is. He insisted that it was a personal indulgence devised only to hear myself speak. Naturally I argued that that was nowhere near the purpose of this place.

Since then I have conceded that while he was not entirely correct, this place has turned into a personal narrative. And with that in mind, the next four years will probably be some of the most interesting of my life. Grab some popcorn, pull up a seat and prepare for a damn fine show.

Six years ago I came to this city a boy... and today I leave it as a man.


anon1 said...

Your blog has (mostly) been a pleasure to read. By mostly, I mean everything but that NASCAR bullcrap. :) I look forward to reading about your good and bad experiences in pharmacy school. Good luck, man.

McFury CPhT said...

All the best luck to you and your family. I can't wait to read what your experience is in pharmacy school and if that is what I am meant to do as well.

Anonymous said...

Vaya con dios amigo!!!


Anonymous said...

Leaving a PROUD man

OMDG said...

I felt that way when I left Chicago to go to med school in Philly.

What's with people questioning your motivations to blog? They don't have to read, do they?

My only regret about blogging is that I didn't start doing it sooner. And yes, it is somewhat narcissistic. It's also a record of my thoughts as I go through life.