As expected I have been glancing over baby names the last few weeks to find something that is fitting for a future little Phathead.
And I started reminiscing about naming a child in the old time days. Old time days are anything before the year I was born. Yes, it's arbitrary, but too damned bad.
Anywho, for instance I know a guy who's name is Dick. Not Richard, just Dick. My question is, how do you hold your child in your arms for the first time and go; "Awwwwww he looks like a Dick... let's call him Dick."
Hell I went to high school with a guy named Steven Stephens for cryin' out loud. What in the hell do you have to be smoking.... well wait a minute, they were potheads, so that makes sense.
The picture accompanying this post is of one of my father's favorite racers, Dick Trickle. Outside of the motorsports he's known for... well his name. Apparently when he was born, his parents decided to give him the option of having a name that would fit well with the porno industry.
Now it is mine and my wife's term to name a child. Do we go for a double entendre? Something simple like Bob? Maybe name it in honor of someone? DrugMonkey perhaps?
Maybe follow my own guidelines and create my own.
Hmmm, that does give me some ideas...
As I was driving though Alabama last week, I saw a campaign sign for "Young Boozer, Treasurer". I looked him up when I got home. His is Young Boozer III.
At this time, I wish to state an objection which is long overdue to be stated:
If the parents of America have stopped naming their baby girls Megan or Caitlin (and the myriad spellings of each), no one will be more pleased than I! You folks, do you really believe that these names are "different?" They have been so overused that the traditional U.S. names ( established before I, too, was born) such as Patricia, Ellen, Christine, Mary, Barbara, Marcia, Cheryl, etc.) are bizarrely unique! If you are about to have a baby girl, try calling her Mary.
And, my own given name, given to me at my birth in 1952, and which is so ordinary and practical that it makes you yawn, is now so rare that I have had people actually ask me to SPELL it!
I like Milo!! Or Mila for a girl.
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