Thursday, March 18, 2010

Your Pharmacy... Now With Convenient Drive Thru!


"He fuckin' broke it!"

My eyes drifted up from the mass of prescriptions on the counter. An otherwise uneventful day had been disturbed by cavernous thud. Of course my curiosity was peeked, so I wandered to the front of the store.

I figured someone had become angry, for whatever reason and punched a window. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened at the store.

Upon exiting I notice our large double pane plate glass window is completely shattered. A curious image considering how sturdy this particular window is. Immediately my eyes search for the culprit, perhaps some young kid from the neighborhood who had taken a joke just a step too far.

Instead I see a man, in his 60s, leaning against the side of the adjacent building with his bike.

You see he had just bought a $1200 bike from the cycle shop two buildings down and was taking it for a test ride. He struggled to get his feet in the cage on the pedal, he began to tip over... right into our window.

Yes, a 60 year old man crashed through our window on a pedal bike.

How surreal is that? I mean honestly, where the hell else does stuff like this happen?

The man was not injured, he broke the window with only his shoulder. A monumental task in itself, but still.

Needless to say it provided entertainment to an otherwise boring and typical day. At least we can advertise that we have a drive thru now.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's just the epotime of awesomeness, period!