Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Thoughts on Healthcare Reform

To be honest, I will not be posting my specific thoughts on healthcare reform. And here's why.

We will never be able to pass a plan in which every one is content. We will never be able to pass a plan in which even half are content.

It is human nature to fear change and the unknown. We have crossed into a new area in the past twenty-four hours, one Americans have not ventured to before.

Is this the best plan? Maybe not, but rarely are things accomplished on the first try. Such a massive change will be a learning experience and we all must be prepared to live with the positives and the negatives.

To often people decry something simply because it is different. Considering how fucked up our system is right now, I'd say any major change has the possibility of producing good change.

I will leave my final judgment on the matter for several years into the future. Personally I am pleased the problem was recognized and equally pleased there was enough of a drive to actually have legislation passed.

So to recap, no the sky is not falling down. It will be a difficult transition, but I personally believe we have opened the door to a better healthcare system. Whether it will be the system outlined in this particular bill I do not know, but it is at least a step in a proper direction.

And I promise this will be the last time I post on the subject. I'll let Drug Monkey stick to pharmacy politics. He does it far better than I.


Frantic Pharmacist said...

My sentiments exactly. Many of us hesitate to discuss it too much, and that's unfortunate. My real worry is that many Americans are way too susceptible to the inflammatory rhetoric ("assaulting our freedoms", etc.) by people who should know better and who only want political face-time. It's going to take a lot of hard work to keep this on track.

Anonymous said...


It's difficult to get too excited about a possibility of starting afresh, knowing that within the year-long discussion some blinders have been moved aside if only for a few minutes, (so, even us in provider roles realize the extent and depth of hoodwinking that went on--even bamboozling ordinary American people.

The amount of work ahead might even seem daunting to both overcome duplicity and propaganda wars raged the past year, and strategize how to establish a higher level of 'equality'.

Some day, there'll be movies portraying the histrionics, and duplicity played out in front of the American public Sunday night...