Every seems to fear the Pharmacy Gods. They are the ones who slam us with multiple patients waiting at once, while the printer runs out of paper and four doctor's offices call at once. To be honest, they can be royal bitches.
Yet they redeem themselves at times.
From what I can gather, the standard size vial used by the majority of pharmacies across the nation is the 13 dram vial. It's what our robots run off of mainly and most of the bottles we receive from other pharmacies are this sized bottle.
So here is a fun little factoid I have known about for some time and it is something which the Pharmacy Gods offer as retribution for the hell they put us through.
A 13 dram vial is damn near the same size as a shot glass.
What? You may be asking? Can it be that the Pharmacy Gods are willing us to drown our sorrows with alcohol at the end of a long day?
To this I say; Yes!
Really what other possibility is there? Don't give me the, "1.5 ounces is a small size and of course will be close to the size of a shot glass" crap. This is the work of the Pharmacy Gods. If the Gods have the power to request a PA on Omeprazole because they tell an insurance only to pay for brand name Prevacid.... well they have the power to do this.
Alas, I say raise a vial up in the air with your booze of choice and drink. Drink to the Pharmacy Gods and their amazing powers... and drink to the patient who calls twelve times a day to check on their Hydrocodone refill.
Bottoms up!
Look for a job at Target. Our vials start at 15 dram :)
Do you take the pills out before pouring alcohol?
No wonder you guys like the big vials that a 90 day supply of Neurontin comes in.
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