Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Sad, Sad Customer

Today a new customer came into the store. She had numerous medical conditions on top of which were making her depressed. It was quite obvious what her problems were.

You see she had a propensity for the sweet stuff. In simply viewing her for a very short period, it quickly became apparent that this was her problem. I think at some point, she was married, but no longer was that the case.

It was kind of sad to be honest. The pharmacist and I talked about it and we both genuinely felt sorry for her. Her medical problems weren't really her fault, as it was more how she was made.

I mean really, what else are you supposed to do then?

She talked about how her friends were similar to her and how her best friend shared her pain. Apparently the main difference between the two was her friends propensity for fatty foods. She, instead, insisted on sticking to just the sweet stuff.

Can't say I blame her.

So I dedicate this post to her this evening. It's been a long time since we've had a customer be so open with us. She just oozed information out of her top like there was no tomorrow.

Before she left, she even posed for a picture below:

So Mrs. Butterworth, I want you to know that I am here for you. And I hope you come back soon. Because you are damned tasty.


Grumpy, M.D. said...

Set her up with Uncle Ben!

Anonymous said...

You had to have been drinking when you wrote this dude.. too funny!!