Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vegas Bound Once Again

I know, y'all are thinking, "What the hell, he was JUST there!"

And you're right, it's only been about three months, but damnit it's Vegas time again! My best friend is getting hitched this coming Saturday and us, and the rest of the groomsman, are going to enjoy a week long vacation in sin city. It'll be a nice break before getting ready to pack up and move.

Actually I'm on the plane right now as this is posting. Spooky huh?

And since I finally stepped into the 21st century and added a data plan to my BlackBerry, yours truly is finally a completely mobile person. Who knows, maybe I'll write a post while sipping some fruity drink next to the pool at our hotel.

Or maybe a semi-drunken rambling at 4am at the craps table.

The possibilities are endless. I'm excited, aren't you?


Grumpy, M.D. said...

"Hello, my name is Cindy. I'm a working girl in Vegas, and found this Blackberry in the pants pocket of a drunken pharmacy tech who passed out on me. Looks like I'm taking over his blog, so welcome to my new blog "I want to be actress but am working as a hooker".

redgirl said...

hahaha...nice one Grumpy