I'm serious. No stop laughing, I'm fucking serious.
I may have mentioned this theory in passing over the years. Lets face it, I'm nearing 400 posts, I can't remember every little thing I have said. If you remember this discussion at all, please just bare with me.
Now over my extensive years of drinking now.... and by extensive I mean I have been in college for fucking ever and we drink a lot. It's a fact a life, no judging now. Anywho I have noticed a propensity for the band Journey to bring together seemingly separate groups of people.
I actually conceived of this post while sitting at a bar at 4am drinking Vegas last week. That's how striking this theory is.
And it all comes down to one sole song, Don't Stop Believin'.
Every time this song comes on, in every bar or public gathering situation I have ever been in, the crowd stops what it is doing and immediately joins in singing. You can be in a literal fist fight with the guy next to you, but this song comes on and you sling your arms around each others necks and start beltin' out the course.
Here, run you're own experiment. If you're around a group of people, turn up the volume and click play. I betcha the majority of the people will either gravitate over to the screen or start humming or singing along.
See, it worked didn't it?
I really do not understand how this works. Any other song comes on and maybe you get the majority of people singing along to it. This song comes on, and EVERYONE gets into it. Shit I was in a country bar one time (don't ask) and as a joke we put this on and everyone in the freakin' country bar started singing along to it.
Using this, I think we're going about the war in the middle east all wrong. We just need to have Journey throw a concert out in Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever and play this song. Everyone will lay down arms, sway back and forth and shout; "Don't stop.... Beeelievin...."
The next time you're with a group of people and this song comes on, pay attention to everyone. It truly is rather astounding to watch.
And then you'll be thinking of me too. Muhahahahahhaha
You may have also noticed this phenomenon with Neil Diamond singing Sweet Caroline. And if you happen to be at Heinz Field on a Saturday afternoon in the Fall, everybody knows when to shout out... "LET'S GO PITT!"
I thought this was true too...until I went to Australia. This song came on the radio and my American friend and I started belting it out, only to realize our Australian and Finnish friends had never heard it and had no idea why we were singing so loudly. :(
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