Sunday, May 16, 2010

Strange 'Pharmacy' Question of the Month

*Ring ring ring*

Phathead, CPhT: "Good morning, World's Shittiest Pharmacy"

Crackpot: "Hi, I have a problem with my toilet and I'd like to ask you a question"

Phathead, CPhT: "Uhhhhh, ma'am we're a pharmacy"

Crackpot: "Yea, but you sell toilet products don't you? So you should know"

Apparently during your third year of pharmacy school there will be a course on toilet repair and cleaning. Wonder what the pre-reqs will be for that...


Grumpy, M.D. said...

Holy shit.

I guess they figured you were cheaper than a plumber.

EC said...

Well, duh, don't we all know plumbing, too?! Holy moses. That lady will be arriving in your drive-thru soon to pick up those supplies. Better get 'em ready.

Oh - my dad suggested the shit in the yard first. He thought that was a bit drastic, so the flaming bag of poo would be a more subtle touch. Nice huh?

Anonymous said...

Our 4th year intern is a pro plumber. For some reason, people are always doing something toxic in our bathroom.

recommend dawn soap.

The Redheaded Pharmacist said...

Well, maybe they thought we would know about toilets because we do deal with shit all day at work!

The Ole' Apothecary said...

The public doesn't know that just the opposite is true. We pharmacists could not possibly know anything about toilets because, among other groups, the public does not allow us to use them.

was1 said...

plumb advice...
A. shit flows downhill.
B. don't bite your fingernails.