Sunday, May 9, 2010

Deep Thought for the Day

Patient: When should I call in for refills on my medication

Me: When you're either out or almost out of the med

Patient: Ohhhhhhh that's a great idea! Thanks!



Grumpy, M.D. said...

I assumed most of them had an alarm that randomly picked a number between 1 and 30, and on that day they called in for a refill.

Anonymous said...

Sadly the "alarm" for controlled substances is day 14 or 15 and any generic run of the mill maint med (lisinopril, hctz, metformin, whatever) is day 30 or 31.

Anonymous said...

For any given patient, flip a coin. Heads, Dr. Grumpy is correct. Tails, Anon 4:22 is correct.