Plastic littered the floor and the smell of a hot printer head radiated my nostrils. Confusion slowly evolved to amusement as a smile crept across my face. As my eyes drifted up from the mangled pile of white plastic pieces stood a man in magnificent pose.
He was my pharmacist. And I was damned proud of him.
You see if look up "Cheap Ass Sonofabitch" in the dictionary, you will see a photo of the owner of the company I work for. It honestly goes to levels I really did not think were possible. Sadly this spills over to the technology aspects of our work day.
Thus, the 'newest' printer in our stores is only slightly younger than I am, myself being almost 24 and 1/2 years old. Many of them habitually display "PAPER JAM" when there really is no paper jam.
On this day I found out that this printer actually does have paper jams. Only those paper jams occur on every other patient ed form printed. An enviable situation it was not.
Apparently on this day the pharmacist had had enough. I had presumed he was going to clear another paper jam. It wasn't until I heard the loud crash that my attention was diverted.
"It fell off the shelf," was all that was uttered.
For it to be in so many pieces it was clear that it had fallen from a much greater height than the shelf.
Alas I cannot be angry, but be proud of the pharmacist that day. It was something that I, and many others, have wanted to do countless times over the past several years. As odd as it may sound, it also removed all of the stress built up from the day.
So to that particular pharmacist, I salute you. I think we can all drink to that.

I've only watched "Office Space" about 7000 times and I love it more each time !
ROFLMAO - I've texted my husband many times that I was having a PC Loadletter day. No more explanation needed. And every time I am told to do another report - I laugh to myself.
I salute your pharmacist!
That pharmacist is my new hero.
I'm pretty sure that PC stands for Paper Cassette, and Load Letter means it's out of 8½x11 paper.
What it also means is that you're using an ancient LaserJet II which should have been retired sometime in the last century. If you tie a rope on it, it would make an excellent boat anchor...
lol I know what PC Load Letter actually means, twas an Office Space quote :P
Actually LaserJet IIs are pretty damn good printers if you maintain them. I mean I've worked at places where its run daily for 25 years with no problems.
Compare that with some of the brand new ones you can get that crap out after a year. They really don't make them like they used to.
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