Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Twist to the Waiting Game

Much like the rest of us who work in a pharmacy and are applying to schools this time of year, chances are you know several other people who are applying to the same set of schools you are. It is just the nature of the beast. In fact I have become really good friends with one of them to the point where I refer to her as the little sister I never wanted.

However I discovered a bit of a twist to the waiting game I am in now. You see a couple of people I work with, including my friend, were all accepted to my favored school today.

It's an odd feeling because I am immensely happy for them... yet selfishly I feel jealous and a tad angry. More so, why couldn't I have been accepted right off the bat like them.

I already know the answer and it comes down to my foe in this whole process, the dreaded GPA, but it still makes me feel like an ass for thinking that way.

Oh well, hopefully my day will come soon.


Grumpy, M.D. said...

I remember when my friends were accepted to the school I wanted to go to, and I wasn't.

I was glad for them.

But it still hurt like hell.

TiredRPh said...

I get it. I have the same feeling whenever one of my friends or relatives is pregnant, not being able to conceive myself. I am truly happy for them, but so jealous I am seething inside. And I feel like the worlds biggest jackass.

Anonymous said...

At least you are honest about your feelings. I'm sure anyone else in a similar situation would feel the same way, how could you not?