Saturday, January 9, 2010

Interview... Round Three

I'm starting to enjoy going to these interview just to people watch. I mentioned on Twitter the guy in khakis and a green sweater. A rather odd combination for an interview, but he fit in with the guy in a polo and cargo pants.

Probably the best part of it is how serious some of the interviewees are. I mean seriously, there were sticks shoved so far up some peoples asses that they had splinters in their eyes. While the Dean gave the opening welcome I scanned the room and was astounded with how many people held their unblinking gaze with chin up in the area at the Dean.

It reminded me of a dog begging for a treat. I actually have to stifle a laugh.

A few times I attempted to chat with people, but most of them had the personality of a wet rag. Or at least they did at this particular time. I make a joke about something, and yes it was a decent joke, and you can hear crickets as the other people look at me.

Laugh people, they aren't going to like to interview a statue.

All in all I think it went rather well. I was very impressed with the program and the faculty members I met. It appears they know exactly where the profession is going and are more than willing to adequately train students for that. Much better than school number two whose sole focus was on research for some odd reason.

Now the waiting game begins once again as I will not here from this school for a couple months. The only thing I'm left wondering is how others felt when they finally did remove that stick from their ass. I bet they'll be shittin' pancakes for a week.


Pharmgirl said...

Don't be too hard on the sticks up the ass types. They're probably just nervous. I know I was!

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Yeah, med school interviews are similar, although I suspect I was the stick type too, back then. More just nervous.