Tuesday, November 10, 2009

They're Watching Me...

A bit of insomnia recently had me diggin' through the visitor stats of this lovely little site. I stumbled upon something that made me giggle like a school girl.

One of the regular readers of this blog works in the admissions office of a school I applied to.

Seriously what are the odds of that? And before this person gets any ideas, there are about 600 or so what I would refer to as 'regular readers' and many of them are from various institutions. Hell a more recent visitor comes from the office of the Dean of one of the more prestigious schools in the nation.

So to all of you reading from the various pharmacy schools across the nation... would you please let me in? Pretty pretty please? With sugar on top?


KlemmCorner said...

I'm really hoping you get in!!!

Anonymous said...

Me too. Lots of pre-pharmacy students lack the depth a non-traditional student, especially one who already works as a tech, can bring to a school.