Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lunch Time Reading

... or Shitter Time Reading. Really it can go by either name. What I am talking about, of course, is what you read either during your lunch or on your shitter.

Everyone has their go to for this situation. For daily use, I have the UniWatch blog or perhaps cnet.com. For actual magazines, usually Car and Driver or Maxim.

And then there are those special readings, the ones that you only get once a month or so. I'm not talking about a magazine, but a single article that, when published, you print off and bring with you for when 'the time is right.'

For me those special readings come from Bill Simmons. Those of you who are not into sports or despise ESPN, which is understandable, may have no idea who Bill Simmons is. Quite simply put he is one of the funniest SOBs to pen anything on the net. He could turn the most mundane of situations into high class hilarity.

My readings for the past four days? His return trip to Vegas found in two parts: Part 1 - Part 2

It is just one of those things that literally makes me laugh while I read it. Of course it draws funny stares (especially if you come out of a stall laughing) but its well worth it.

A recent gem from the discussing of creating a Real Men of Genius Hall of Fame

And my friend Wildes thinks we should throw in the first guy who looked at a cow and said "F this, I'm drinking that milk" in a fit of thirsty bestiality. Source

I snorted some horseradish up the ole olfactory area when I read that.

I ask you, oh loyal readers, if you have anything you use for your lunch time/shitter reading. I'm always up for something interesting to kill time.

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