Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jingle Jingle Jingle

Christmas is the season of giving, being kind to your fellow man, and feeling like shit whenever you're out shopping. What's with the latter you may be asking? Everywhere you go you hear the 'jingle jingle jingle' of the Salvation Army Collection bins. And every time you walk right past one you either get a look from the person ringing the bell or just generally feel like a doofus.

Now I have nothing against what they do, I think it's a great endeavor. The thing is I went to a few places after work and ran into four of those. I hardly ever have cash on me normally, yet alone enough to cover four donation bins. If I had the money, I would most certainly give it to them.

Instead you get looks from the other three. They remind me of the looks your parents would give you when you did something bad when you were younger. The, "I'm disappointed in you look" when all you really wanted was for them to scream at you. Ya know, that look.

Perhaps they should start handing out stickers when you donate each time so they'll at least know you're not a chump. Plus I'm a poor college student as it is, so it's not like I have cash flowin outta my ass.

Just a random musing at the end of a long day...


Anonymous said...

Looks? I don't think so. Donations are voluntary. The sound is "ring," not "ca-ching."

Heard about the Salvation Army credit card readers? Yup, some of those ringers have got 'em!

Anonymous said...

I ran into a few of these myself and totally understand the look. I think you should come up with a sticker that says the date and place that you've already donated. That way all the proceeds from the stickers you gave out could go into the bucket and then your even.

EC said...

I hate that look.... I give to my own charities of my choosing...I want a sticker of what charities I give to so I don't get that look.