Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Should Legalize Meth

The story I'm about to share with you here is 100% true. I have not embellished any part in anyway.

Earlier today the pharmacist, a new tech and I were discussing the idea of creating a new schedule (Schedule VI) to cover things like Plan B, Sudafed, etc. Kind of gray area things if that makes any sense.

Our new tech piped up and made a statement which literally floored me. A statement I never would have expected to hear come out of a cognizant human's mouth.

...that Sudafed law is stupid anyways, it hasn't helped anything. All it did was move the creation of it offshore, it hasn't helped any problems. We should just legalize it like cigarettes so then we could make some money off of it at least.
Say what?

I have a large multitude of experience with meth labs. I grew up in an area that was quite literally flourishing with them. I have watched friends succumb to meth addiction. I have been robbed by meth heads. I have witnessed them tweek out on an unsuspecting person. I have been around when they have randomly torched homes. I have seen the crater which remains from a meth lab explosion.

Needless to say, I have had a lot of experiences with meth and the problems it produces.

And yet this guy thinks we should legalize it. Treat it like its as simple as buying a pack of smokes. Oh it gets better.

All meth is is Sudafed without an oxygen on it. It's just the same stuff. The only reason it's bad is because it's impure and the government could make sure it's pure so it's safer. I've read lots of CEs on it, it's not that bad

Not that bad? Not that fucking bad? I have seen people who have literally ripped their skin of because of the 'meth bugs' they had trapped under their skin.

He kept insisting that since he had taken CEs that his knowledge was sufficient.

If we make meth legal, less people will want to do it because it won't be so hard to get.
Huh? Where the fuck do you get that logic from?

I have never met anyone so obtuse towards what is perhaps the most dangerous illicit drug in the world. I have never been so disturbed by statements from someone in a very very very long time.

And this guy wants to go to pharmacy school too.

Jesus, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight...


Shamra said...

You may want to reconsider his position, or at least think about it a bit more deeply. Legalized meth would first of all put the labs out of business in a great hurry because industrial production will be much cheaper. Also, Methamphetamine at one time was perfectly legal, just as the other amphetamines are currently. It was banned because meth easily passes the BBB and thus has an initial effect that is very fast and quite addicting.

Anyway, it is not the job of our government to stop us from doing harm to ourselves, it is their job to stop others from doing so. It is so sad that we have become a nation that depends on the nanny state for everything, even to tell us what is right and wrong for ourselves.

If that is not enough, check out the statistics of how many people are in jail for drug related crimes and how much it costs to keep them there. Do I know for sure what will happen if all drugs become legal? no I do not, however I also know our government is not smart enough to make decisions for us.

Phathead said...

I have thought about this quite deeply. He's not talking about the medicinal use aspect of it, he's talking about cooking it in a spoon and injecting it use of it.

Once again, if you have never had to deal with the affects of meth, you really can't speak for it. I have dealt with people high on coke, heroin, etc and BY FAR the worst of them have been meth heads.

Shalom said...

@Shamra: My wholesaler still stocks Desoxyn 5mg tabs. Admittedly they're stupidly expensive for a drug that's been on the market for a half century, and I haven't dispensed any in years, but they are available. Where did you hear they were banned?

(Meth has the same legal status as coke: it's a Schedule II controlled substance with limited medical application and huge abuse potential.)

Personally, I think legalizing meth (or, if you prefer, giving it OTC status, since it's already "legal") is the stupidest idea I've heard all week. You can make arguments for pot, although I personally don't agree with them, but not methamphetamine. It's a controlled substance for a damn good reason.

Shamra said...

Whoops I did not phrase my statement quite correctly as I am aware that meth is still available, I more just meant that it was much wider spread than it is at this time.

I'm not saying that we should want people to go hog wild on meth, however, it has been shown that when drugs are illegal, their use does not significantly diminish and crime in the trade of those substances rises greatly.

I understand the desire to have drugs like meth banned, but give me the evidence that doing so decreases their use.

Again, as to my original post, just ignore most of it as I was writing it while knowing I was about to be late for work, and while you are at it, you can ignore this one also because I'm writing it at midnight after a 14 hour shift.

Pharmacy Schools List said...

I think what he is arguing that no matter if it is legal or not people will have access to it.

My biggest problem is that we are constantly putting these people in jail instead of putting them in some sort of treatment. Putting them in jail will just continue the cycle instead of trying to solve a problem.

Phathead said...

PSL - Actually his view was that the drug is really not that dangerous or that bad and that we really should be making money off of it rather than 'outsourcing production'.

Like I said he considers it just 'Sudafed without an Oxygen' and that it's ok for people to take. He also stated that truckers and doctors would benefit greatly from being able to buy it in pure form over the coutner.

Phathead said...

PSL - Actually his view was that the drug is really not that dangerous or that bad and that we really should be making money off of it rather than 'outsourcing production'.

Like I said he considers it just 'Sudafed without an Oxygen' and that it's ok for people to take. He also stated that truckers and doctors would benefit greatly from being able to buy it in pure form over the coutner.

Frantic Pharmacist said...

I think alcohol is the most under-rated drug in America, and I don't think pot is any worse, but meth is a whole 'nother thing. It's one of the most addictive substances known to man. The destruction of people's health, society and families is devastating. Recommend your co-worker take a look at the book "Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town" by Nick Reding.
P.S. Happy wedding !

Sammy said...

As an aside- in Massachusetts, we do have a "Schedule VI" class- any legend drug that's not already a Schedule I-V. It's pretty silly.

Unknown said...

Meth is great, theres just not enough studies on it. It is addictive... sell it in gas stations, half a country already doing it anyway :*)