Monday, July 13, 2009

I Hate My Life

Been a while since I tossed some tunes up here, so I figure what the hell. Picked up Theory of a Deadman's new CD about a week ago (well it's not so new, but I'm just really fucking slow). A particular song on here made me laugh my ass off the first time I heard it, especially because on rough days on the Pharm I can relate to it.

Plus I read why the leader singer wrote it and found it rather fitting:

"I wrote this song because one day I got out of bed and was like 'Today feels like it's going to be a bad day. I can feel it.' I realized that there are people out there that have it worse than most people who bitch and complain, and decided to write it so maybe it could make someone's day a little better."

So I present to you, Theory of a Deadman - I Hate My Life

edit: found out afterwards that this is edited. takes most of the fun out of it if you ask me

Song Lyrics

1 comment:

EC said...

I love this song! I heard it on the radio for the first time a few weeks ago and realized I was super speeding while singing along. Whoops!