Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's Time to get Hitched

I write this today as, what could still be considered, a single man. Come 1pm on Saturday however, that portion of my life shall be over and I will be a married man.

I have mentioned in passing a couple times my fiancee during my various stories. This past summer, in addition to working full time, going to school, studying for the PCAT, volunteering and filling out pharmacy school apps, I have been planning a wedding with my future missus.

No, I will not dole out advice on weddings. I may answer questions regarding pharmacy and getting into pharmacy school, but I am not one to talk to about planning a wedding.

My advice? Go to Vegas and make it quick and simple.

As such I shall be gone for at least a week or so. No honeymoon at this moment as that shall come later, but more a relaxation from work and studying.

I will probably be twittering the day of for a few people who cannot make it to the actual wedding, so feel free to enjoy that on Saturday.

Until then, this is my final posting as an un-married boy. You'll next hear from me as a married man.



Pharmgirl said...

Congrats Phathead! I hope you and your new wife are as happy as HusBot 5000 and I have been.

.: Lowly Pharm Tech :. said...

Congrats! As of now you are married!!!!

My GF's older brother is getting married next weekend [he's in Pharmacy College already, starts his 3rd year in a month or so].

I am even considering popping the big question after the energy of her brothers wedding levels out!

Love. It empowers and enslaves. Enjoy the hell out of it!