Was reading about proton motile force, ATP production, all sorts of fun stuff like that. Was kind of confused when reading a few sections because they kept mentioning words that they hadn't defined earlier (big pet peeve of mine regarding textbooks). After studying it for about 45 minutes it dawned on me.
The Citric Acid Cycle = The Krebs Cycle = the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA Cycle)
I shit you not in the chapter they would switch off between using these terms and actually defined as The Citric Acid Cycle. Apparently the authors thought it would be fun to fuck with my exhausted mind by switching the names around. Pretty sure I'd like to send a flaming bag of dog shit in their direction.
It's now 1:30am, I've switched from Microbio to Econ since I can't sleep and felt the need to vent about that. Still gonna mail them that bag of dog shit. Just have to figure out how to light it remotely now...
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