If you had a bunch of insects crawling upon your head would you not want to rid yourself of such a problem as quickly as possible? I mean I know I sure as hell would dump Nix, Lindane and Ovide all over my head. Burn the fuckers to death, that's my motto.
If you do not wish to use such 'pesticides' on your, or your child's, head there's always LiceMD. What is LiceMD you may ask? Why it's an all natural solution to your lice infestation! Brought to you by the company whom markets such great homeopathic products as SleepMD, JointMD, HeartburnMD and others. With MD in the name, it's gotta be a great product!
I'll let some of you layman know what homeopathic medications really are. Hold on lemme consult the pharmacy lexicon:
ho·me·o·path·ic . n. def: Substance so watered down with fillers and other worthless garbage that eating the box has more therapeutic effect than taking said medication
There ya have it, it's generally a pile a crap. Usually it's some 'ancient' remedy recently rediscovered which has some how escaped all scientific study and is suddenly better than anything else in the world. Airborne comes to mind. And everyone now knows, much like I did when it first came out, what a load of shit that product is. Anyone who doesn't go google 'Airborn lawsuit' and have your mind blown away.
And now they've come out with LiceMD. It contains dimethicone which sound's like a fancy lice killing machine. I'm sure they were attempted to incorporate some impressive looking picture of dimethicone squashing lice. What dimethicone is really used for is in lotions and shampoos, generally as a lubricant. So those little lice, who are so tightly gripping your hair follicles, are being covered with the equivalent of Crisco. Hell I betcha Crisco works just as good, if not better, than LiceMD.
When your child is sent home from school from lice, as is the general practice today, are you going to go for the 'safe and natural' LiceMD and make the annoying bastards a little slippery? Or are you going to go to the proven chemicals that will actually rid your child of the infestation? Yes I have seen cases of chemical burns due to some of these products, Ovide comes to mind, but that has always been from some woman on Medicaid who picked up nine Rx's for Ovide for her nine kids and then let them bathe in it all day. Granted, LiceMD will prevent this, but so will rubbing my head with animal feces. And personally, I don't like shit on my head, but to each their own.
Let's have a review of what we have learned today;
1) Homeopathic products are generally as good as the box they came in. Actually just eat the box, a little roughage will be good for you
2) Crisco will work as well as LiceMD. Hell, if you don't believe me I'll send you a can marked CriscoMD and you'll swear it's the most amazing scientific discovery this side of the moon!
3) Once again, homeopathic items are as worthless as promise to payback a Medicaid copay
Now that you have been enlightened, you shall be able to sleep easily tonight and without the need to scratch your head. No SleepMD or LiceMD for you!
I will say CriscoMD on pubic lice could be a messy endeavor and I do not condone that. Just use KY, that's what it's made for!
The DVD organization idea is a good one. Maybe I should start that right now. Because once again, I'm reading blogs. Your blog is hilarious. I totally agree about homeopathic equaling piece of crap. I constantly tell people to not even waste their money on that mess. Even though I'm a pharmacist giving my opinion after they asked for my opinion, apparently they think they're smarter and go with the marketing ploy. Dumbasses.
I've been debating taking out public service commercials just to clear that up
You know what's worse than LiceMD?
Check out a product called "LiceFreeee", I think I have the right number of E's there.
Active ingredient: Natrum muriaticum. Sounds impressive, right?
That's latin for sodium chloride. Salt, in other words.
The thing about homeopathy is that they have two main tenets, one of which has been discredited and the other of which violates the laws of physics. Viz: 1, that stuff which causes a disease in large amounts will cure that disease in small amounts, and 2, that the more dilute you make something the more potent it gets.
Whisky tango foxtrot, over?
(Oh, and if 1 is true, why are proponents of homeopathy so dead-set against vaccinations? Seems to fit right in with their principles.)
While I hate to disrupt the idealistic circle-jerk going on here, I would like to point out a major drawback to your chemical pesticides.
Species become resistant to these measures. We've seen it time and time again. DDT was great in its heyday, and, apart the major disruptions it caused to ecosystems, it was pretty much a dream come true for the human race. Until those inevitable creatures who survived the application passed their resistant genetics on to future DDT-resistant generations. The same has also happened with plants treated with RoundUp, bacteria, fungi, etc.
Dimethicone, on the other hand, works on a much broader level, and is much less likely to be ineffective in 20 years.
So, maybe you should just focus on grinding your homoepathic axe and leave the effective stuff out of it. That's what a real pharmacist would do.
Dear "I want to be a pharmacist",
It's a good thing you are one because you obviously don't need to have correct grammar or punctuation in your chosen profession. Hate to burst your bubble, but Nix and Rid don't work anymore and have not for quite some time now. The insects have become resistent to those pesticides. When my daughter came home with lice I thought we could just wipe them out with one of the old pesticides, but I was wrong. My pharmacist warned me that the lice were becoming resistant to Nix and Rid and actually recommended I try LiceFreee (that's with 3 e's), because he had gotten positive feedback from some customers about it. I thought like you did and just wanted to wipe them out with the "bad" stuff. I followed the Nix directions to the letter, and followed up with the second application a week later. It did not kill them. I came back and bought the LiceFreee. After using it, I combed at least 30 DEAD lice out of her hair.
My advice to you is to not dispense advice on a topic you don't know much about or have no experience with. Don't knock it until you try it.
My step daughter has been coming home with lice from weekend visitations with her mother for nearly 3 YEARS STRAIGHT (yes, we have tried to stop the visits or make them supervised, not over night... the judge and social services don't consider it neglect!!). I had tried pretty much every product on the market, but always avoided the "homeopathic" products, assuming they were junk. Of course, I found out none of the chemical crap worked. I would basically just have to sit for HOURS combing the little bastards out, half an inch of hair at a time. Nearly every bug I got off was still kicking right after treatment. After trying all the chemical stuff out there, I had quit spending my money and just always did the comb and conditioner trick, since the chimicals didn't seem to make the bugs any deader.
I hate to tell you, but I just tried the "junk" you slammed on this blog, and guess what? It worked a thousand times better than ANYTHING ELSE I have ever tried. ALL the bugs I combed out were DEAD, some even fell off onto a towel around her shoulders before I even combed or while I was combing!! And the eggs/nits just slid right off. I was finished in 1/3 of the normal time. Of course, I know I will have to keep checking and re-use the product, but more likely from re-infestation, not so much from hatching of leftover eggs.
All the pharmaceutical companies and their "toadies" want you to believe if something isn't one of "their" chemicals, it most certainly won't work. When it comes to head lice, they are now resistant to the chemicals avaliable. I was SO depressed at the thought of going through the grueling process yet AGAIN and seriously debated spending even more money on ineffective crap. Now, I am so pleasantly surprised and relieved to have finally found something that actually kills the bastards!!!
Maybe you should infest yourself with lice over and over while you try each of the products out there, so maybe you'll know what the hell you are talking about! Oh wait, you wont need to over and over, since most of them don't work!
I agree about the marketing of "homeopathic" cures, but you are wrong about dimethicone. It has been shown effective in clinical studies as you would know if you bothered to look at PubMed.
Lubrication is an important action in mechanical control (combing). If you choose to go with a nit comb, you will get results, but it takes a long time. You probably could use Crisco, but hair conditioner works fine. Dimethicone kills adult lice, although there is some argument about the mechanism. Alone it does not kill the eggs, but it does help with removal.
One of the problems with using a comb alone is that aside from the sheer time involved, a lot of people have insect phobias. A product that kills the adults and makes the eggs easier to remove is a good thing.
I've also had good results with the Robi Comb, and electronic louse comb that kills adult and nymph lice with an electric shock. It doesn't kill all the lice it shocks, but it makes it easier to detect and remove them for those of us with less than perfect eyesight.
Making pronouncements based on your preconceptions isn't any more "scientific" than homeopathy. You should cite literature.
Dipshit Pharmacist WannaBe,
Nearly every "modern" treatment was homeopathic until studies proved effectiveness.
Read the literature. Dimethicone has been __proven__ effective in scientific studies. The exact mechanism is not fully established, but the going theory is that it interferes with the bugs' water transpiration mechanism.
Take another logic class Dr. Syllogism.
Hate to rain on your parade again but I am a Nurse in a major hospital. Do you know the name of the number one lice treatment product we use on patients with infestations? Licefreee. Why? Because it works, it's less messy, it smells better, and most importantly it's non-toxic. Plus, if you use the spray you don't have to wash it out, a time and cost saving bonus. It might be a good idea to actually research things more before you go spouting off about things you have no clue about. As for homeopathic being crap...we also use honey on wounds that are resistant to "modern" medications. It works wonders.
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Ummmmm........anybody have anything civil to say about good remediess? There are some of us that want a simple answer, to a hidious 3-4 weeks of defeat.
It's a little unfair to hang the homepathic label on LiceMD. While the LiceMD is marketed by the same company that hawks that other stuff, they don't market LiceMD that way.
Otoh, they DO use a standard conditioner ingredient to may clinical claims about lice treatment, which I'm a bit surprised the FDA lets them do. Still, there are about a half a dozen papers in reputable peer reviewed mainstream journals that say that dimethicone in varying concentrations IS effective against lice bugs -- the nits not so much. But if you treat multiple times inside of 10 days with dimethicone you should be able to get of the bugs before they have had a chance to mature to produce new eggs. Still I'd like to see what percentage of LiceMD is dimethicone. 16 oz of 100% dimethicone can be purchased at retail for a little more than a dollar an ounce.
LiceFreeee is pretty funny stuff. The list the active ingredient as NaCl (salt), but then cleverly in the inactive ingredients they list substances that have proven clinical efficacy against lice, such as Benzyl Alcohol, a substance which at 5% is both a standard cosmetic ingredient but also has been fda approved for lice treatment. I assume that this is LiceFreee's way of working around the fda and possible patent infringement claims, but that's just a personal opinion and as such is just speculation....
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