Well celebrating the new year last night my thoughts started to dwell on the upcoming work day. While we are closed today, the new year truly because for us on Wednesday the 2nd. It is, by far, the most dreaded day of the year for myself. This being said after we did 110 Rxs in an hour on Monday (just a pharmacist and myself mind you) and I was still dreading Wednesday.
Why you may ask? Because the New Year is always a clusterfuck. What is a clusterfuck you now ask? Let's consult a dictionary I found on a bench at Perkins.
Clusterfuck noun/verb [kluhs-ter-fuhk]
def: 1) A sex session involving 5 or more people and a goat
def: 2) Britney Spear's parenting description
def: 3) The beginning of the year in which no one has new insurance cards, no one knows what insurance they have, insurance companies switch group numbers by one digit, insurance companies merge and/or disappear, this followed by a massive intake of Whiskey.
Obviously I'm referring to the third definition given in this glorious dictionary. It was bad enough 3 or 4 years ago. Then the government decided to shit out the child known as Medicare Part D and it went to an entire new level. I remember the first year or computers being down 60% of the hours we were open, a pharmacist breaking a monitor by beating it while on hold for 90 minutes, and a collective drinking session at the end of the week.
Last year was better, but was still fucked up and turned an 8 and half hour day into an 11 hour day. Now we're lining up for Part D, Chapter 3. We have been at least informed of some insurances which are changing processors and some people did bring in cards. But its the big unknown that scares the sperm out of me. I can only hope the yelling (i.e. the people who were upset that we didn't fill their prescriptions on the 31st when it was still 24 days too soon) will be kept to a minimum and the computers will not crash.
That being said I bought myself a nice bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label (I am not paid enough for the black label which I love dearly) and am saying a small prayer right now. Say a little prayer while you sleep tonight for all the pharmacies in the country. Lord knows we'll need it.
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