Friday, January 4, 2008

Clusterfuck in Review

I was prepared for Hell. I had my whisky. I had my ibuprofen. I had my stress buffalo (cause its way cooler than a stress ball). And I had my burritos. I was set.

And it wasn't that bad. Computers didn't go down, insurances didn't go down, wait lines when calling insurances were at max 20 minutes. Hell even some Part D rejects would tell you who to properly bill. It was like after three years they finally got their shit together.

It still sucked though, 35o prescriptions in an 8 hour period, with virtually none going through on the first try, but it wasn't near as bad as years pass. The whisky still sits there. As does the ibuprofen and the stress buffalo. The burritos, however, are both in and out of my system (word of note, never eat a bean and cheese burrito in the midst of a busy day). And as Friday ends I bask in the fact that we survived this week in one piece.... eh what the hell am I thinkin, theres still another 2 weeks left for things to go down the shitter. Fuck.

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