Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snowstorm Revisited

About two months ago I made a post about a gentleman who tweaked on us after we let him in the store even though he was closed.

Post can be found here.

Now our PIC (Pharmacist-In-Charge) decided to forgive the guy and allow him to keep coming to the store much to our disdain. He, again, became verberaly abusive to us and threatened several more times over the past two months. Needless to say he kept reaffirming what an asshole he actually is, yet we kept being told that he was ok to keep coming into the store.

I came into work on Friday and was informed that this person had died in their sleep last night. My first comment was, "Did he OD?" I was then chastised a bit for being on the cruel side seeing as he just died.

My question is this, why should I feel bad for some ass who just died? He was nothing but a prick to everyone when he came in not even counting the snowstorm instance. And I'm supposed to feel bad that he died? Fuck that. Call me a cold son of a bitch, but ya know what, Earth is probably a slightly better place now today. One less drunk/meth-head coming into fuck up my day is my main thought. Maybe I really am an ass...

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