Friday, February 22, 2008

Incompetence at its finest

I have seen some stupid stupid things in the 7+ years I have been doing this. I have seen a 'prescription' written in crayon on notebook paper. I have seen a person alter a prescription with a pen of a different color. I have had someone deny picking up something even though I show them the video that clearly shows them. Today put all of those to shame.

Now we fill scripts for a couple of group homes and half way houses. Needless to say these people are a little... well off. Most of them come from the main psychiatric clinic downtown. On of these homes happens to be about 10 blocks from this clinic.

About noonish we received some discharge orders for a gentleman at this home. It was a normal list of meds for this type of home until we looked at the bottom. There was a note said that he was walking to the home from the clinic.

Think about this for a moment. This gentleman was quite literally just released from the psych ward and was allowed to walk the 10 blocks to the group home he was to be staying at. Does this sound strange to anyone else? But wait, there's more. With discharge orders we also receive a list of diagnosis. Here's what was listed:

  • Suicide ability (Both plan and attempts)
  • Manic Depression
  • Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
We are located on a very large body of water, that clinic is no more than 25 yards from the shoreline. Now for a person who has planned and attempted suicide before do you think it is wise to let someone out near such an easy way of escape? Not to mention the other disorders this gentleman has.

You have to wonder just what the hell the doctors and nurses were thinking when they agreed to this. We're not specialized in that field at all and we immediately saw the red flags with this problem. As of 6pm tonight he still had not shown up at this home. One can only hope that he be found and which ever dumbasses let him go are held accountable.

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