Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm A Daddy... Kinda

One of the agreements the wife and I came to when discussing moving is how we would move to an apartment that allows pets. Our current apartment does not allow pets, and we both have wanted a dog for some time. Thus, one of our first purchases upon moving would be a dog.


Meet River. She is about eight weeks and is half shih tzu, half maltese. Her name comes from the show Firefly (probably the greatest TV series to be canceled after two months) because we're both nerdy like that.

She is also, at this moment, an illegal alien. We did not plan to get a pup this soon, but really, could you turn down a face like this?
So for now she is hiding, every so quietly, in our apartment. I figure if Old MD Girl can show off Boo, I can show off little River.

Maybe we should open a debate over who is cuter. Muhahahahahaha.


Grumpy, M.D. said...

Cooper is a Shih-Tzu, too. We love them.

Lisa G said...

Shiny! She is too cute.

EC said...

Oh.My.Gosh. I don't think you could find a cuter dog. Mine is cute but yours just might win the cute beauty contest. I hope you live on the first floor. Stairs can be a bitch climbing with a puppy.

Oh, and don't hate me. I don't like House. He annoys me. (*hiding my face*) Gasp.

OMDG said...

OMG she is sooooooo cute!

Just so you know, it's totally ok to let your blog turn into a doggy blog. Nobody will hold it against you.