Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Remember When...

I think one of the defining characteristics of growing older is an increase in using the phrase "I remember when..."

I concede that I am not truly that old, I'll hit the quarter century mark a little less than six months from now, but I still find myself uttering that phrase on a more regular basis.

For instance, I stopped at a gas station a short while ago to grab a bottle of Diet Dew because its one of my vices in life. When the clerk told me the total I did a bit of a double take. $1.84 for a 20oz bottle of pop.

Instantly I texted a friend of mine, "I remember when we sold these for 90 cents each when I started working...." and then I stopped. I realized what I had started to say and how I had started to say it.

My god, I'm growing old.

Sure I have gray hairs now. Drinking more than six beers in a night will usually cause me to have a wicked hangover the next morning. My days of downing several liters of Mtn Dew per day are done because of the heartburn it gives me.

This was seriously a new level for me though. Sure I watch the Golden Girls from time to time (a hilarious show if you neglect it) and maybe I like vegetables more than I used to. Choosing to eat a salad over a burger for lunch doesn't make me old?

Does it?

I suppose I shall have to go buy some Polydent tonight. And maybe watch Matlock when it's on later. And then eat some prunes. All before I go to bed at 4pm.

Sound like fun?


Grumpy, M.D. said...

I remember when we didn't have text messaging.

Come to think of it, I remember when there wasn't Diet Pop (except Tab).

AND I remember when Mountain Dew was advertised as a drink for hippies, showing them swimming in lakes, with the slogan "Do it to me, Mountain Dew."

Anonymous said...

Me, I just feel old due to my still wanting to slap whoever decided to change the name to "Mtn" Dew.

StudyRx said...

This is why I no longer drink sodas. I haven't had a soda since 2005. I was stationed in Hawaii, and decided to stop when they hit $1.25. So I drank Root Beer for 6 months to ween myself off of the caffeine (Just in Sodas) but eventually stopped drinking them as well. Now I just walk around drink water. Not the bottled kind either. I'm 27 and I don't think I use that phrase too often. Still, I went from a 6 pack a day to none. I figure I am saving $6 a day from the canned variety. Perhaps you can quit the habit as well. The shakes only last for about 2 1/2 weeks. ;P

The Redheaded Pharmacist said...

When you go out to eat and start talking about catching the early bird special then you know you are in trouble! I know I am getting old and there is no way to stop it! But in many ways I still act like a little kid so I guess that is all that matters in the end.