Was reading about the first new CNS analgesic, tapentadol, during a short break yesterday. I also happened to notice that they are calling the drug Nucynta.
Does this come from Larry, Curly and Moe Pharmaceuticals? Seems like they could have picked a better name. Plus when you're on the street buying this shit, you're gonna sound like a sissy.
"Yeah man... you got any nuc on you?"
Gentleman came in to our store today for the first time. While taking his information, he handed me his insurance card. Nothing out of the ordinary... until I went to input it in the system. His ID number was 18 characters long. Three letters and 15 numbers.
Let's do a little math here, there's roughly 6 billion people in the world, or 6 x 10^9. Using the possible combinations on that card ID, there are a total (mind you this is quick) 1.00 x 10^15 different combinations possible.
Or roughly 166,667 ID numbers for each person on the planet. Little over kill don't ya think?
I have decided that we are trying to make Americans fat. I was strolling through our food aisles, looking for something to munch on, when I eyed the Pringles. Since I was drooling I moseyed on over there. I then went to grab one of the snack cans and stopped.
They seemed... larger. Puzzled I retreated to the pharmacy bunker and, because I am a loser, checked out an old snack can we use to hold zip ties. Sure enough, the snack can size had doubled recently. I later snapped this picture at a different store as confirmation.

Do we really need our 'snack sizes' doubled? I mean I was quite content with just one of those little cans. I don't want double that amount. And you know that if I were to purchase that, and open it, most likely I would eat the entire thing.
Just seems kinda asinine don't ya think?
"Like other drugs with mu-opioid agonist activity" --yeah, that would be what? Tramadol, which is a class 6, non-controlled drug, right? This new version is a class 2 narcotic.....humm, think tramadol been mis-classed for a while.....
The irony of this is that Tramadol should be at least a C-V if anything. So should Soma.
The funny thing is, Nucynta shouldn't really be a C-II. From what I have read about it, it doesn't make sense for it to be a C-II. C-III, sure, but I really don't get its classification.
It's America. More is always better... sadly at the expense of our country's health
i have no idea where they come up with these names. Some make sense, but most sound like they gave a scrabble set to a room full of chimpanzees.
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