I have a problem with the citizens of this country at the moment. Nearly everyone has their proverbial panties in a wad over how our country is being run right now. I hear people talk about secession, getting rid of the government as a whole or perhaps getting rid of a specific individual in office.
How about everyone just calm the fuck down for a moment ok? Part of our problem with this nation is our gung ho attitude. If something happens that we think may wrong us, emphasis on
think here, immediately our defense are up and we start spewing senseless garbage.
So our economy is in the shitter right now and we're bailing everyone out left and right. Do I agree with it? In most instances, I do not. Do I think it needs to be done? At first, yes it did.
Earlier today I read something that brought some calm into my otherwise cluttered and stressed mind. The president mentioned looking into reforming the health care industry to help save costs for businesses.
Already I see people flipping out talking about how the government is intervening in our daily lives again and we're becoming socialists. Never mind the fact that socialist countries have the best health care systems in the world along with the happiest population in the world...
So once again, calm the fuck down.
If there is any industry in this nation that seriously needs a dick slap upside the head, it's the health care industry. They blatantly deceive the public in order to get them to pay 10x as much for a product or service than they really need.
They are using the public's lack of knowledge against them. I understand that not every person can understand something such as the fluid mosaic theory. I do not expect them to. Yet they, and by them I mean particular corporations, use this fact to exploit the public.
Our new drug is the greatest thing since Jesus created slice bread. It'll cure erectile dysfunction, acne, muscle pain and grow you a full head of hair.But when you read the actual information, you learn it's really just the same drug with naproxen added onto it (I'm looking at you Treximet) or maybe it's just the isolated L-enantiomer which was the only active enantiomer anyway (I'm looking at you Xyzal) or maybe we'll just combine to drugs and say it works better when in fact it doesn't (I'm looking at you Vytorin).
In every case the patient could receive the same treatment for a much lower cost. Is the public led to know this though? Of course not. And don't give me that bullshit that the cooperation needs to recoup their initial investment. First off, they didn't research anything to create this anyone. Second, everyone knows the majority of the cost of medications is related to its advertising.
And then there are the PBMs... Let's pay only for Lipitor and ignore simvastatin. How about we won't cover Ventolin, but we'll cover Xopenex. How the fuck does that make sense?
In a capitalist society the public keeps prices in check by being aware of the product in question. It's honesty, in a certain level, which keeps everything running smoothly.
Yet in our industry's case, honesty is not a word you hear very often. Hell, I think it may be a taboo word.
Do you think the public would find it curious that drug reps, once a fountain of information, are no longer pharmacists for the most part, but rather business oriented individuals? It's because pharmacists, depending on the company, realized what a crock of shit they were up to and told them to fuck off.
So here's the deal people. If the government gets involved, yes it's scary and we could all be communists who rape and pillage your neighbor's house.
Or, in reality, this case of intervention could better our country in more ways one can imagine. Could it be we could have an efficient industry capable of dispersing the truth to the public?
Personally I think it's more likely that Rozerem beaver will fly out of my ass to play some cards with Lincoln... actually that may be quite interesting...