Monday, May 11, 2009

It's offical, it's Fupa Season!

The joys of pharmacy are quite literally endless. Ironically enough they don't appear to teach these fruits in pharmacy school. Despite being locked inside a very small area in the very back of a store often far away from any sign of nature, you can easily judge what season one is in.

In pharmacy world, it is not truly summer until you see the very first summer Fupa. The Fupa is elusive in the winter months, often hibernating between layers of expansive fabric. What is a Fupa you may ask? Consult this site, but be warned it is not for the faint of heart.

I saw my first Fupa today. My it was a glorious one at that. A cream white and speckled colored, the same appearance as cottage cheese, a Fupa with an obvious growth on it is a very rare sight indeed. Perhaps the rarest Fupa of all is the legendary Fupa with a treasure highway. For these Fupa, a treasure trail just simply is not enough, but instead exists a thick, sweaty, hairy, foresty highway for all to enjoy. It is a truly glorious experience.

For the next four months us pharmacy folk will get to enjoy Fupa's of all varieties. Alas this is the time of the season when the dreaded spandex makes it's mass appearance once again. In another month's time, we will be blessed with spotting sweat stained spandex. This is truly the work of gods.

So I welcome every to summer and Fupa season. May this Fupa season be as glorious and spectacular as all Fupa seasons past!

1 comment:

Skanklet. said...

Oh my, how I wish I could join you on your FUPA adventures. Throw in camel toes, murphies, and muffintoppage, and we'd have quite the fiesta.