Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Timer

This was too damned great not to post


Anonymous said...

I just had all 4 wisdom teeth and a broken molar taken out about a week ago. God do I know how that kid feels! (As a side note: Vicodin + Flexeril + whatever they gave me at the office = WHEEEEEEEEE! But I still don't understand why the junkies do it.)

Thanks; I needed a laugh at the end of another $#!^^% day.

TheAngriestPharmacist said...

Can I post this on my website?

This is absolutely golden....

The Angriest Pharmacist

Email me:

Anonymous said...

OMG Jory is this the stuff that you had and also your sister? It was a liquid that you take to get you ..well like this kid lol. You were EXACTLY like him and when we got you to St Croix for the procedure your legs wouldn't work remember..they had to get you a wheel chair lol. Your sister had it too and laughed her ass off at this. She wants to know what that stuff was