8:54am - Open the door to the pharmacy. Notice vial bins are almost empty, drug bottles are still on the counter, garbage bins are full and dishes from last nights dinner are on the pharmacy counter.
9:10am - First round of phone calls and faxes begin. Soon there are sixty prescriptions to be processed. Still working on cleaning up the pharmacy
10:23am - Filled count hits 100, still haven't been able to fill the vial bins. Robot starts dinging letting you know it's out of a drug. You then notice that last night no one took the time to do a robot order. You will be hearing this ding many more times during the day.
10:48am - Your co-tech is with you now, helping and hindering you along. They don't really know how to process every thing which leaves you to run the scripts.
11:13am - After kicking out another fifty scripts you look over and your co-tech is nowhere to be seen. The fifty scripts you've been running for the last twenty minutes lie in a pile untouched. Yet you continue on.
11:31am - The scripts still aren't filled, so you stop to go fill them. You see your co-tech grabbing the order. It consists of one small tote and a refrigerated tote. Obviously a small order.
12:18pm - Co-tech is still checking in the order for some reason. When going to fill an Oxycontin script you notice the inventory is off by 23 tablets. You then sigh and mark off yet another page in the C-II book to look into the next time you have a free moment... whenever that may be
12:41pm - Will filling a script the RPh filled, you notice the script called for
Clonazepam 2mg #90 PRN x 1 Year. You then notice the RPh gave it PRN x 1 Year refills. When you question it he responds, "Well I don't agree with that law so I'm not going to follow it."
1:30pm - You glance at the clock wondering if you have time to take a piss. Script count is at 200 and your co-tech is STILL putting away the order. The one plus is you finally found a free minute to fill the vial bins, but only because you ran out.
1:58pm - Your robot has a queue backlog of 11 prescriptions that cannot be filled because you are out of various drugs.
2:04pm - Your co-tech has finally finished the order and is helping you fill prescriptions. The counter is full however and instead of checking them the RPh is sitting on the computer reading the news.
2:56pm - You get called 'a fucking racist homo who's mother should have had an abortion' because you won't fill his Hydrocodone sixteen days early. The RPh then steps in, overrides you, and fills it anyway.
3:22pm - Co-tech is missing again, probably wondering the aisles. You then get back to back to back to back orders of fourteen refills for four different patients. You grit your teeth and continue on.
3:41pm - When scrounging for perhaps one bottle of Atenolol 50mg, you notice your co-tech only put the order away and didn't put it in the computer. Joy.
4:01pm - Your clerk decides that the alphabet is too difficult and proceeds to ask you where each patients prescription is when they come to the counter. Sadly you realize that outside of the pharmacy there are no workers with even a GED.
4:22pm - Almost time to go and you realize you haven't eaten, gone to the bathroom and you still have to do a robot order. And you can't forget the ten new C-II scripts that you've been putting off all day
5:04pm - You should be gone, but instead you stick it out in the hopes that maybe you can make a little headway
5:40pm - Your co-tech has left as they do not stay longer past their scheduled time. You watch as the RPh 'spots' someone sixty methadone 10mg tablets 'until their script comes in the mail'.
6:11pm - You are finally leaving the pharmacy when you ponder how tomorrow's tech's will have a pharmacy with fully stocked drugs and vials, empty garbage bins and a clean counter. Then you wonder why you do such a thing when they won't repay you with the same.
This is a day in the life of my job. I do this at least four times a week. There was no exaggeration in this at all, this is what my day was like today. Sadly this was a pretty decent day. I think I'm starting to get burnt out on this bullshit...