Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Tragedy

I am sad tonight. Why you may ask? Because last night I lost my favorite hat.

I went out drinking last night (and before I get bitched for drinking on a Tuesday realize its the only day during the week when my friends and I are in the same city and the same time) and had myself a merry old time. Prior to leaving I had grabbed my favorite hat, a brownish University of Nebraska - Omaha hat, and tossed it on the ole brain box.

On the way back home a window was rolled down and, since I was hot, drunk and am naturally a dumbass, I stuck my head out of it a bit. The wind must have caught it just right for my hat was ripped from my head. We also happened to be going over a bridge at the moment. So I watched in agony as my beloved hat drifted up and off the bridge and into the great Lake Superior. My hat was gone.

I woke up in a pleasant enough mood and it wasn't until I was crossing that same bridge to go to work did I realize what had occurred the night before. I searched in vain for it as I was crossing it but to no avail. I miss my hat. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your poor hat :-(