Monday, March 17, 2008

Urogenital Warfare

Just had a young woman bring in couple prescriptions about twenty minutes ago. Took a look at them and immediately felt bad for her. They were as follows

  • Fluconazole
  • Valtrex
  • Proctosol
  • Docusate

Seems as if this poor woman's urogenital region has decided to lay siege upon itself. For those non-pharmacy geeks those four drugs are for a yeast infection, herpes (in her case), hemorrhoids and stool softener. Basically she was itchy, blotchy, and backed up.

I almost wanted to give her a hug or by her a card or something. My god have mercy on her... well nether regions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A hug? Not without being gloved and gowned!