Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break

I am on spring break this week which offers a slight relief to the dredges that is college. Ironically enough it is a beautiful day (and beautiful day up here is in the upper 30s to lower 40s) and what am I doing? I am mopping the kitchen. Ya know when you decide to go to college they never mention the exciting things such as that.

I was a good boy and went into work for a short while today even though I wasn't scheduled. Our owner filled in last week and filled in 3 DEA forms with of C-IIs with one of our wholesalers. Thought I would be nice and come in and finish that up for my fellow co-workers. If we had an employee of the month award, I would have won it for the past three years straight. Why? Because I come in on my day off and work for free, that's why. I think I deserve a beer

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