Friday, September 24, 2010

The First Annual Angry Medical Professional Conference

Today there exists conferences for medical professionals on seemingly any topic. Yet there exists a void in the conference spectrum which could be of greater benefit than any other conference one would attend.

A conference in which medical professionals could bitch about their daily lives in their profession.

The sheer amount of booze consumed over this multiple day event, and yes it would be multiple days, would be astounding. The times we would have.... now those would be priceless.

If I have learned one thing over the last few months via conversations on Twitter, it's that we all enjoy sharing asinine stories about patients. It is a way we manage our frustration of our profession during a day.

Obviously, for HIPPA reasons, the names of the inane are never released, but the experiences can be retold in detail.

We could even have an awards ceremony for meeting various requirements of ineptitude.
"To the doctor who dealt with the foulest shit stench while in an exam room... BurbDoc!"
"To the creation of the best patient greeting card slogan... The Angry Pharmacist!"
Then we could all high five each other and take a shot of Tequlia.

We would share tears, laughter, and the occasional group singing of a Journey song. Really, this could be the greatest thing we ever contribute to the profession.

Now who's with me?


Wintry Wasteland Wanderer said...

This sounds like a perfect idea. The liquor industry probably makes most of it's money off stuff like this.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Can we wear paper bags over our heads to preserve our secret identities?