Her training has been going much better since we moved. Our last apartment was not very conducive to something like potty training, and generally it's been going much better. With one exception.
We can't get her to shit outside. She flat out won't do it.
It happened once since we've been here (going on two weeks now) and it's getting more than a little annoying. Peeing is not an issue for the most part, but number two just does not seem to cooperate.
After watching her quite closely, we have not developed the rhyme or reason as to when she is going to go. With as often as we do take her out, you'd think it would happen at least once, but to no avail.
So I ask you dog lovers out there, what on Earth can we do to fix this? With school coming, and a baby on the way, it's something I want to solve sooner rather than later.
Before we lose our sanity that is.
My swearing Mommy message board talks a lot about those Dog Whisperer shows. Don't know, don't have a dog.
I'm sure you can catch a few of them online and see what comes up.
Hey Phat!
Good luck with the Pup. My dog, Yorkie and Chihuahua mix, is quite unusual too. Sometimes the wife and will let him poop in the backyard, then take him for a jog. On our jog, it never fails, he will ALWAYS poop. Im not talking pellets, but full blown out SHIT. Its annoying having to jog with crap in a bag too.
Have you tried dog pads? We used them when we first brought the little guy home to get him used to staying in the kitchen area of our home alone for 8+ hours. Eventually he figured out that pooping outside is awesome, and by figure out I mean we would take him out every 20-30 minutes. Lots of work but now he is house trained and can be alone for long periods of time without accidents.
Good luck with all your endeavors as I too am a fellow 2014!
Anon - She stopped using the pads when we moved.
And she never did number two on them to begin with.
Anon - She stopped using the pads when we moved.
And she never did number two on them to begin with.
When we adopted our previous male dog at about 1 year of age, he wouldn't poop outside no matter how long a walk I took him on, but he'd go right in front of the back door as soon as I wasn't looking. I finally got smart and tied him outside in the yard on a long leash and left him alone for a little while. (I kept an eye on him from a window.) He quickly found a bush to hide behind and pooped up a storm!
Maybe your pup is a shy pooper...
Every time you catch him pooing, say a code word and then constantly say that while you're outside with him. Give her a treat if she cooperates.
Next time the pup leaves a fresh one, put it outside in the spot where you want her to go. After a couple hours, lead her outside on a leash to the spot, discover the pile with her,and get all excited and happy about finding her stuff outside. Encourage her to sniff and inspect her work. Do this until it works. Also, feed her on a schedule and take her outside on a schedule.
Just look at him - He's to precious to poop outside!
Do you use a crate? If you crate him over night, he will probably hold it, because dogs don't like to shit where they sleep. He might be more inclined to do it when you take him outside then.
The other thing is, you can only yell at him for shitting inside if you catch him in the act. Like ACTUALLY squatting with the turd coming out. Otherwise he won't understand. If he goes outside praise excessively and treat him. Don't take him back inside right away since he might associate shitting with the end of his walk. Do something fun for a little while instead.
I hope that helps!
Sorry, it's a girl. I meant "she."
She can do a crate, but she does not like it. I think she's slightly claustrophobic in a way because she will freak out if she's in a confined space for too long.
Part of the problem is our place is so big now, it's hard to actually catch her in the act. That and she's a sneaky/smart lil shit.
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