Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pharmacy Term of the Day -- Nurses

Nurses are a double edged sword, they are either you best friend or your worst enemy. Honestly it seems like it's split 50-50. For every nurse that comes in the store asking for "The latest proton pump inhibitor for my GI problem" (cause it's cool to spout off knowledge and not ask for Prilosec) you have another who will hunt a doctor down while he's on vacation to get an answer to a question.

Understand they will frustrate the living hell out of you. Often when you talk to some they act as if we interrupted them in the middle of surgery on a dying patient to ask them a question. Even more often the question is about something that they fucked up on. Many of them also will give superior attitudes to you, and the pharmacist even, for virtually no reason.

When you find the good ones though they will be like a God to you. They will mention to the doctor that maybe, just maybe, he could write a little clearly. Or they will call you after a patient leaves the office as they noticed an allergy that the doctor had not. Or they will even call to thank you for helping a patient out with a difficult problem.

Not every nurse is horrible, but nor is every nurse a godsend. Just remember, that even when you have a shitty one, there's always that spectacular one at the other clinic. Although it is nice when those shitty ones fuck up and you can call them on it. :)

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