Friday, July 18, 2008

Diabetes Management w/ U-500 Insulin?

We've had a couple people come in with prescriptions for U-500 Humulin insulin lately. The head pharmacist and I couldn't figure out why the hell patients would be using such an insulin on a regular basis. We were curious this morning, and slow, so we called up the diabetes educator in the clinic down the street.

Apparently they have found that those people who are insulin resistance are more receptive to treatment with U-500 insulin rather than U-100. They are getting the same dose, but in a much lower volume. In essence its almost as if the U-100 floods the system and then over loads it. With the U-500 though, usually in a 2/10 cc dose, the system isn't flooded and the insulin is used more efficiently.

Apparently this is going to be the future of insulin management, baring the patient is wise enough to know not to use more than a very small amount of the U-500 insulin. One would assume if this catches on that there will be a calibrated pen model in the not too distant future. Just an interesting tidbit of knowledge I stumbled upon today and thought I would pass along.

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