Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How Long Would You Stay?

Imagine you have a job which you have worked your ass off at for well over three years. You have no opportunity for a raise whatsoever, even though you are well under the national average for your position. You can bend over backwards for the company, and still be told you're not doing enough. You can have saved the company tens of thousands of dollars and countless customers, yet not a thank you is given. You have looked the other way when one of the many many state and federal laws have been broken by various people in the company. You have kept smiling when you are told that 'You're replaceable' by upper management.

So how long would you stay? How long could you put up with shit like that? I'm curious.


Anonymous said...

Dang, I would have been gone the first time they told me that.

MrHunnybun said...

That's a tough one. It depends on the balance of how much you enjoy the job, how much you need the money and your attitude to change.(I'm a borderlin Asperger, I get sweaty if I change anything in my routine)

I could move job tomorrow and earn more too. But I'd genuinely miss some of my patients and some of the staff I work with.

Good luck.

Better the devil you know and all that :)