Not to put down one of the most prevalent cancers out there, but can someone explain to me what makes breast cancer so special that it has its own month? I mean there are countless diseases and conditions out there which are much more tragic than breast cancer.
Now it seems as if it has become its own marketing machine, akin to how Christmas has become overly commercialized in recent years. Sometimes it seems with all of the 'special' items out there for Breast Cancer Awareness Month that it may be more about pushing a product than an actual cause.
It's great to see so many people get behind a specific cause, but why this particular one? Is it due to the male fascination with breasts? Is it because of the inherit connections we feel towards our mother and, as such, are deeply effected to what may happen to her? Is it because we all secretly enjoy the color pink?
Each year this month grows to be even more grandiose than the year before. For several years in my sport of choice, NASCAR, it was not uncommon to see one or two cars run a special pink paint scheme for a race or two. Now there are multiple teams who do this for the entire month.
The NFL was chalk full of players covering themselves with pink in whatever way they could. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a push for pink uniforms in another few seasons.
So what is the fascination with this month and the associated cause? I'm not attempting to be callous in anyway towards breast cancer survivors and those currently battling the disease, but I truly don't get it.
It's like we get TaTas-fever for one month out of the year, but in a respectable manner. It's like an ethical Hooters if there is such a thing. And if that's the case, why isn't there more support for male breast cancer and the associated chest-ticles?
Anyone have any ideas?
This topic is so last month-we've moved on to Movember, now show us a picture of your mustache!
I don't have an answer for your question.
That was helpful, wasn't it?
Breast CANCER awareness??? You should have mentioned this sooner. All this time I've been celebrating Breast Awareness Month.
I really wish I knew the answer to this.
The other day I saw someone with a purple ribbon pin and I asked who they knew with Lupus and they said no one with a puzzled look. I pointed to the pin & they said oh thats for my cousin who died of pancreatic cancer.
I was really apologetic for their loss but felt kind of violated! Thought purple ribbons were for Lupus! (I have). How dare you pancreatic cancer people!
(come on, make light of it, better than being a sour puss!)
No one gets to share the PINK ribbon or the month of October!!
I read this post earlier and went to the grocery after... saw a bottle of Smart Water with a pink ribbon and I thought about your post and then thought, well damn its November and your SmartAss product still hasn't moved yet!
Anyway, nothing against the ta-tas (love mine! BSE as I am supposed to!) but damn, BC awareness is competing with Christmas for merchandising, and that's sad.
Heaven forbid they picked November for BC awareness.
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