Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Am I Too Cynical?

One of the greatest realizations a person can have is that you are not always right. In fact, you're probably wrong more often than you may think.

That statement is the precise reason why I won't enter politics; I'm too open to the ideas of others in place of my own if they are better. I fully concede there are times when I am completely wrong or have an illogical train of thought. I do my best to think things through in a logical manner, devoid of emotional input, but we're human and at times that is simply not possible.

It goes without saying that I probably have more intimate knowledge about the profession of pharmacy than 99% of my classmates right now. I do not state this as an ego-booster (although I have been told that others would disagree), but as a statement of fact.

I think we can agree that most of the material published on the pharmacy blogs, this one included, has an overtly negative tone. Sometimes I justify this as merely being realistic about the profession, an idea which is grounded in some logic. Recently I've been debating if this collection of negativity has clouded not only my judgment, but my attitude.

In more concise terms, I have become too cynical.

All we hear about, or talk about, in this type of medium is the negative. View any major news publication and the stories that receive the most, and most consistent, play are negative in nature. Call it a byproduct of our society if you will, but because of this we have become colluded into viewing the world in negative lights.

For instance we all argue about the adverse effects of mail order pharmacy on the profession and the care of the patient. It's something that has been beaten into my head from various sources over the years so much so that any 'good' news regarding mail order pharmacy is met with a sneer on my face.

Imagine my surprise last week when I went to a presentation and was introduced to a mail order system that actually works. A system which is producing better outcomes than the traditional retail setting. A system which solves the majority of the problems we associate with mail order pharmacy.

I sat, jaw agape, for much of the presentation. "How can this be?" I thought.

Over the years I had grown so use what everyone else had been saying about mail order that I neglected the fact that it could possibly work. Something which I had written off as a death blow to the profession in fact has a very helpful place within it.

In essence, I had not followed my own mantra of being open to the ideas of others.

There is no particular blame to be placed. What is said, for the most part, needs to be said. The context of what is being said, at least in my mind, needs to remain forefront

After all, I don't wanna grow up to be Scrooge. Or do I....


Frantic Pharmacist said...

I'm actually quite happy to hear about stuff that works. Can you give us any info on it?

Anonymous said...

Well, what was the idea that could work?

Anonymous said...
