Monday, October 18, 2010

Should I Take an Elective in the Spring?

You guys want a small part in the path of my becoming a pharmacist? Well now's your chance.

For various reasons, I do not have to take one of our required courses in the spring which leaves me with an open block. I now have the opportunity to take an elective class or simply not replace that class at all.

Why the question then? Well there's two main outcomes.

Do not take an elective and have more free time this upcoming semester with the new baby. I know the first six months, roughly, are going to be the toughest and not having to take a class would make things just a tiny bit easier.

Take an elective, and I finish up my total electives more quickly. This will allow me to take off a block during my fourth year rotations, something which is rather entertaining to me.

So what would you do? Go for short term or long term gain?

Poll is on the top right of the page


Anonymous said...

It is really, really nice having a block off p4 year.

Sunny said...

I would say stay home more with the new baby. It`s a cliché, but they do grow up so fast; you won`t have this time again.

Pharmgirl said...

Stay home with the new little one - Mrs. Phathead will appreciate it and so will you.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Kids are only young once, Phat.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if it's your thing, but depending on the elective, a lot of them are extremely easy and very passable without going to class. Usually it's 1 assignment (paper or presentation) and a final exam. I'm in 2 different nutrition courses styled that way right now and I work instead of go to class. Shame on me...but it's 2 credit hours down AND getting the opportunity to work. I read the lectures and stay up-to-date and do just fine.

Phathead said...

I definitely wouldn't be taking a science based elective. I'm not even eligible for most of them.

If I were to take one it would probably be one involving pharmacy computer applications, an independent study or something else under the administrative side of things.

Matito said...

Dang. Here I was thinking you could take P.E.

Unchained Pharmacist said...

How much easier will 1 less class help? You still have all the other classes. However, an entire block off to play with your toddler who can smile, talk, play with you.

That being said, I agree with Pharmgirl, let Mrs. Phathead decide.

Congratulations on your new baby!