Friday, October 29, 2010

My Wife Rocks

Never underestimate your support system. Seriously, its slightly surprising how much stuff they cram into your schedule each week. Tie in working and maintaining a family... And you can gather some idea the organized chaos that I deal with on a daily basis.

Immediately you are initially concerned on how you are going to balance things. Some areas are going to have to be sacrificed, there is no denying that, but where to do so becomes problematic.

This is where my awesome wife comes in. Some days I leave the house at 7:30 am and do not end up back home until midnight.

Yet she never complains. She's always happy and jovial when I get home, if she's still awake that is. Sometimes she'll have dinner ready for me, even though it may be excessively late.

And even when I am home, I'm often holed up in my study for hours at a time. I'm not sure if we've gone to bed at the same time since school started.

Still no complaints. And did I mention she's pregnant?

Often I have people ask how I'm able to do all of this on a daily basis. My wife is the biggest reason for this. Without her, and my beloved BlackBerry whom keeps me uber organized, I woulda sunk a long time ago.

My wife rocks.

You should all be jealous now.


Meghan said...

I know how that goes...from the other end, I am that wife - except our baby was born in July.

When is your baby due? And are you going to be able to calm your schedule down a bit? (If not, I hope you have family and friends nearby to help out with the baby - it's a big transition - and difficult to do alone).

Phathead said...

She's due New Years Eve. My schedule will be nowhere near as hectic as it is now. I'm working as much as I can now to help pay for stuff.

Sadly, neither one of us has any family for a couple hours drive. We'll tough and plug on through it. Plus, we have River and she can help... Not lol

Phathead said...

Oops, sorry Sandra. I have fat fingers and deleted your comment :O

"Your wife is awesome. My husband's lack of support is the reason I am not in medical school.

Don't let her go; she's definitely a keeper!"

Misch said...

Granted, I only met her briefly, she does seem pretty awesome! And, if she can put up with you, she must be AMAZING!

Sucks y'all live so far away...

OMDG said...

My husband is AWESOME and while I'm sure I could have *done* med school without him, it would have sucked a whole lot more than it did.

He rules.


Pharmgirl said...

A supportive spouse is an amazing blessing! I never would have gotten this far without mine. Hang on to her!

Anonymous said...

You are one lucky man!! She is a true keeper!!!!